Emergency Preparedness - Active Shooter Response - Hospitality 🌎

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: An active shooter event is a real situation that employees must be prepared to handle. In this subject, employees are taught the three best actions to take in a hotel or resort if there is an active shooter in the area. The content focuses on the steps required to safely run from the shooter, hide from the shooter, or fight the shooter. Employees are also taught some guidelines for interacting with first responders when they arrive on the scene.

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: An active shooter event is a real situation that employees must be prepared to handle. In this subject, employees are taught the three best actions to take in a hotel or resort if there is an active shooter in the area. The content focuses on the steps required to safely run from the shooter, hide from the shooter, or fight the shooter. Employees are also taught some guidelines for interacting with first responders when they arrive on the scene.

Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: An active shooter event is a real situation that employees must be prepared to handle. In this subject, employees are taught the three best actions to take in a hotel or resort if there is an active shooter in the area. The content focuses on the steps required to safely run from the shooter, hide from the shooter, or fight the shooter. Employees are also taught some guidelines for interacting with first responders when they arrive on the scene.


What to Do in an Active Shooter Event - Hospitality

  • If there is an active shooter at your location, you must know how to react safely. In this topic, you’ll learn about the three best options for responding to an active shooter event: run, hide, and fight. You’ll also learn about additional guidelines to follow to help you act on each response effectively, like how to secure yourself in a room properly or how to prepare yourself if you need to fight the shooter.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • Translated content is typically AI-generated, and in some instances, it's been human-reviewed. Review the list below for translation details within this topic.

    • English

    • French

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = human-translated

    • Spanish

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = AI-translated

    1. During an active shooter event, there are three actions that could help save your life: run, hide, and fight.

    2. If there is an active shooter in your location, you need to get out of the building, even if others insist on staying.

    3. While evacuating during an active shooter event, try to convince others to leave with you, but don't let them slow you down if they can’t decide.

    4. If you're fleeing the building during an active shooter event, don't let anything slow down your evacuation, including collecting your belongings, convincing others to evacuate, or even helping the wounded.

    5. Once you're safely outside of the active shooter zone, call emergency services, and try to prevent others from walking into the danger zone.

    6. If there is an active shooter in your location, and you can't get out of the building, hide in a room with doors that can be locked, and barricade them with furniture. Secure your hiding place the best you can and make it as hard as possible for the shooter to get you.

    7. If you are unable to get to a room during an active shooter event, hide behind large objects that can block you, that keep you out of the shooter's view, and that can protect you from fired bullets.

    8. If you are hiding during an active shooter event, turn off the lights, remain quiet and calm, and silence your watch, cell phone, etc. to try to prevent the shooter from seeing or hearing you.

    9. If you cannot run or hide during an active shooter event, prepare to fight, whether you’re alone or with a group.

    10. If you must fight during an active shooter event, act with physical aggression. Improvise weapons; do anything you can to incapacitate the shooter, no matter what.

    11. To prepare for the unlikely event of an active shooter in your location, know your environment. Have an exit plan.

Preview of video module for “What to Do in an Active Shooter Event - Hospitality”.


When First Responders Arrive - Hospitality

  • Knowing what you should do during an active shooter event in your location is important, but you also must know what to do once emergency services arrive on the scene. In this topic, you’ll learn how to react properly to first responders, how to help them, and how to stay safe while they work on stopping the shooter.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • Translated content is typically AI-generated, and in some instances, it's been human-reviewed. Review the list below for translation details within this topic.

    • English

    • French

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = human-translated

    • Spanish

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = AI-translated

    1. During an active shooter event, once you've safely fled from the building, call emergency services to report the shooter and follow their instructions.

    2. When calling emergency services to report an active shooter event, provide the operator with important details relating to the shooter and known victims. Give as much information as possible, so law enforcement and first responders can handle the situation as quickly as possible.

    3. The first responders on scene at an active shooter event are not there to help evacuate or to help the wounded. Their first priority is to stop the shooter.

    4. When first responders arrive on an active shooter scene, remain calm and follow their instructions, so they can keep you safe while they work to stop the shooter.

    5. If you see first responders during an active shooter event, avoid yelling or pointing. Do not make erratic movements, and keep your hands visible at all times, so they can more effectively find and stop the shooter.

    6. During an active shooter event, once you're safely out of the building, do not leave the area. You must be accounted for so others know you're safe. You are also a witness to the event, so you will be interviewed.

Preview of video module for “When First Responders Arrive - Hospitality”.

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