Emergency Preparedness - Missing Child - Retail

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: A Code Adam occurs when a child is reported missing by their parent or guardian in the store. When one is in effect, everyone in the store has a role to fulfill. It's a serious event that must be met with immediate action and a detailed procedure. In this subject, learners will be taught specific steps to take as either an employee or manager when a Code Adam is in effect, beginning with the moment the child is reported missing and ending once they are found.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: A Code Adam occurs when a child is reported missing by their parent or guardian in the store. When one is in effect, everyone in the store has a role to fulfill. It's a serious event that must be met with immediate action and a detailed procedure. In this subject, learners will be taught specific steps to take as either an employee or manager when a Code Adam is in effect, beginning with the moment the child is reported missing and ending once they are found.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: A Code Adam occurs when a child is reported missing by their parent or guardian in the store. When one is in effect, everyone in the store has a role to fulfill. It's a serious event that must be met with immediate action and a detailed procedure. In this subject, learners will be taught specific steps to take as either an employee or manager when a Code Adam is in effect, beginning with the moment the child is reported missing and ending once they are found.


Code Adam Procedure for Employees

  • If there is a missing child reported in your store, you must be aware of and able to execute the proper procedure. In this topic, you’ll learn the steps you must take as an employee during a Code Adam. These steps include documenting details about the missing child, notifying your co-workers and the police, and what to do once the child is located.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

    • PDF module (This module was created in a tool that is not supported by our Content Studio offering.)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. If a customer in the store reports a missing child to you, immediately document a description of the child and ask for a photo of them if possible.

    2. The description of the missing child should include their name, age, gender, hair color, eye color, approximate height and weight, and what they are currently wearing, like the type of clothing and shoes.

    3. After you’ve documented the description of the missing child, use the in-store communication system to announce a “Code Adam” followed by the description.

    4. Once you’ve announced the Code Adam on the communication system, begin the search for the missing child in the store. Your manager will assign responsibilities to each available staff member.

    5. When you and your co-workers begin searching for the missing child, escort the parent/guardian of the missing child to the store entrance so they can help with identifying the child.

    6. Once the in-store search for the missing child begins, promptly call the police and report the missing child. If there is security camera footage, provide it to the police when they arrive.

    7. If you’re responsible for covering the store entrances/exits during the search, ask anyone coming into/out of the store with a child resembling the one who is missing to wait at the entrance until your manager arrives.

    8. If you locate the missing child and they were lost and unharmed, reunite them with their parent or guardian near the store entrance.

    9. If you locate the missing child and they’re with someone other than the parent/guardian, make a reasonable effort to stop them from exiting the store, but don’t put yourself in harm’s way. If they leave with the child, call the police and give them details about the person and their vehicle if possible.

    10. Once the child is safely located, conclude the incident by announcing “Code Adam canceled” over the in-store communication system. Report the incident to management.

Preview of video module for “Code Adam Procedure for Employees”.

Preview of PDF module for “Code Adam Procedure for Employees”.


Code Adam Procedure for Managers

  • As a manager, you have different responsibilities than your employees during a Code Adam. You need to be aware of the procedure and help your employees execute it so the missing child can be found. In this topic, you’ll be taught what your managerial responsibilities are during a Code Adam and how you can help make sure everyone is prepared ahead of time.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

    • PDF module (This module was created in a tool that is not supported by our Content Studio offering.)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Include Code Adam training materials in your onboarding and training process so new and existing employees are aware of and know the Code Adam procedure.

    2. Provide all employees with refresher training on your store’s Code Adam procedure every six months. This not only helps ensure new procedures are covered, but also reminds employees of what to do during a Code Adam.

    3. As a manager, assign specific locations for each employee to monitor while a Code Adam is in effect. This means each part of your store, like the entrances and exits, should have at least one employee monitoring it. These assignments should be communicated ahead of time.

    4. During a Code Adam, assign each employee to search a specific location in your store for the missing child. This helps ensure each area, like the restrooms and back rooms, will be searched.

    5. Designate one area near the front of your store where the parents/guardians of the missing child will be taken to wait while the child is being searched for in the store.

Preview of video module for “Code Adam Procedure for Managers”.

Preview of PDF module for “Code Adam Procedure for Managers”.

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