Customer Experience from a Distance

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: It's become clear that after the recent viral outbreak, how we do customer service needs to adapt to what is being called, the new normal. In addition to still helping customers have a great shopping experience, businesses now also need to help customers maintain physical distance from each other, encourage contactless payment options, and insist on regularly sanitizing hands and surfaces. Many businesses are also being asked to require face masks and limit the number of customers in a store at one time, according to regional guidelines. This subject teaches learners how they can continue to provide excellent customer service while maintaining appropriate distances and supporting the new normal.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: It's become clear that after the recent viral outbreak, how we do customer service needs to adapt to what is being called, the new normal. In addition to still helping customers have a great shopping experience, businesses now also need to help customers maintain physical distance from each other, encourage contactless payment options, and insist on regularly sanitizing hands and surfaces. Many businesses are also being asked to require face masks and limit the number of customers in a store at one time, according to regional guidelines. This subject teaches learners how they can continue to provide excellent customer service while maintaining appropriate distances and supporting the new normal.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: It's become clear that after the recent viral outbreak, how we do customer service needs to adapt to what is being called, the new normal. In addition to still helping customers have a great shopping experience, businesses now also need to help customers maintain physical distance from each other, encourage contactless payment options, and insist on regularly sanitizing hands and surfaces. Many businesses are also being asked to require face masks and limit the number of customers in a store at one time, according to regional guidelines. This subject teaches learners how they can continue to provide excellent customer service while maintaining appropriate distances and supporting the new normal.


Offering Customer Service from a Distance

  • When social distancing, excellent customer services doesn’t need to suffer. However, it does require thoughtful attention to certain details. By learning to focus on how to interact with customers (either while wearing a mask or not), spacing in lines, and how to process transactions, you will be equipped to help customers feel welcomed and cared for even at a distance.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Do not shake hands with customers; instead, a friendly wave, nod, or smile can help customers feel welcome.

    2. Keep a 6-foot (2 meter) distance between yourself and a customer to avoid the spread of viruses.

    3. During your interaction with a customer, if you need to cough or sneeze, turn away from the customer, and cough or sneeze into your elbow. Apologize to the customer and then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands.

    4. Listen carefully, be patient, and pay attention to your customer’s body language.

    5. Smile while assisting a customer even if you are wearing a mask, as they will notice your positive attitude through your eyes and tone of voice even if they can’t see your mouth.

    6. Maximize clarity when speaking with customers by using gestures and the tone of your voice to help customers better understand you.

    7. Respectfully remind customers standing in a line to maintain a 6-foot (2-meter) distance and/or stand on the floor markings.

    8. Although cash is accepted, encourage cashless and contactless transactions by checking with customers if they wish to pay with credit card, or their smartphone. Limiting how much you have to handle cash reduces your chances of spreading illnesses.

    9. If the customer must enter their credit card PIN, ensure you sanitize the credit card machine before and after use.

    10. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer between each customer you help at the checkout counter. This will help prevent the spread of viruses, and re-assure customers you care about keeping them from getting sick.

    11. Nod your head, wave, or smile when thanking a customer for visiting the store. This way they know you appreciate their business.

Preview of video module for “Offering Customer Service from a Distance”.


Best Practices for Customer and Employee Safety

  • To prevent the spread of illnesses caused by viruses, everyone working with customers needs to practice good safety and sanitization procedures. In this topic, we’ll cover where and when to use alcohol-based sanitizers, cleaners, masks, and physical distancing to keep you, your customers, and your co-workers safe.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. It is important to minimize the spread of viruses, so make sure that alcohol-based hand sanitizers are available at every POS / desk for you and your customer to use; report to your manager if sanitizers are missing or empty.

    2. Clean all surfaces with an approved disinfectant regularly to help prevent the spread of viruses.

    3. Keep the number of customers in your building to the correct percentage in keeping with your region’s current regulations. Check with your manager for the number required for your building. This will help keep safe distances between customers and employees.

    4. If required in your region or by your employer, make sure you always wear your face mask when interacting with customers or other employees.

    5. If you feel sick, tell your manager or supervisor immediately to ensure the right precautionary measures can be taken.

    6. All customers, except family members, must maintain a 6-foot distance at all times during their visit to your business.

    7. Ensure any floor markings are clearly visible to customers, so they know where to stand while waiting in line at the cashier.

    8. Ask all customers to wear face masks and gloves if your business or region requires it. This will help prevent the spread of viruses. Otherwise, you may have to deny entry to the customer.

Preview of video module for “Best Practices for Customer and Employee Safety”.