First Aid - Fainting

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: This subject teaches learners how to recognize the signs that someone is about to faint, how to help someone who has fainted, and how to prevent fainting at work when possible. Content is intended to supplement formal training conducted by recognized providers such as the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association and others. It is not intended to refresh existing training offered by these providers.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: This subject teaches learners how to recognize the signs that someone is about to faint, how to help someone who has fainted, and how to prevent fainting at work when possible. Content is intended to supplement formal training conducted by recognized providers such as the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association and others. It is not intended to refresh existing training offered by these providers.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: This subject teaches learners how to recognize the signs that someone is about to faint, how to help someone who has fainted, and how to prevent fainting at work when possible. Content is intended to supplement formal training conducted by recognized providers such as the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association and others. It is not intended to refresh existing training offered by these providers.


Signs, Causes, and Prevention of Fainting

  • No one wants to faint, especially at work or while in public. This topic teaches learners some of the most common signs and causes for fainting. Content includes recognizing and monitoring factors like: dizziness, paleness, dehydration, fatigue, phobias, and more. This topic includes a video to explain the main concepts.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Signs that someone is about to faint include: dizziness, light-headedness, and pale or clammy skin.

    2. Signs that someone is about to faint include: unsteady balance, vision changes, and fast or irregular heartbeat.

    3. Signs that someone is about to faint include: sweating, nausea, and vomiting.

    4. Possible causes of fainting include: pain, exhaustion, and emotional stress.

    5. Possible causes of fainting include: hunger, heat exhaustion/overheating, and dehydration.

    6. Possible causes of fainting include: prolonged sitting or standing, certain medical conditions, and sudden fear (for example, caused by seeing blood).

    7. Get a good night’s sleep to prevent fainting due to exhaustion.

    8. Drink lots of fluid to prevent fainting due to dehydration.

    9. Take frequent breaks, and move around when standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time to prevent fainting due to sudden rapid changes in blood pressure.

Preview of the video module for “Signs, Causes, and Prevention of Fainting”.


Helping Someone Who Has Fainted or is About to Faint

  • It’s important to know how to help someone who has fainted. This topic teaches learners some simple and easy best practices to remember when someone around them faints. Some examples of content include: proper recovery position, tips to improve breathing, when to call emergency medical services, etc.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. If you think someone is about to faint, help them lie down or sit with their head between their knees to lessen any possible injuries they may experience through falling.

    2. If you think someone is about to faint, loosen any tight clothing to ease any possible restriction on their airway.

    3. If you think someone is about to faint, make sure the area they are in is well-ventilated (for example, by opening a window) to help them breathe easier.

    4. If you think someone is about to faint, put a cool cloth on their forehead or neck as this will cool their body down and help minimize the risk of fainting.

    5. When someone faints, put them in the recovery position, so you can easily monitor their vitals while keeping their airway open in case they vomit.

    6. If someone faints and doesn’t regain consciousness, or if they faint multiple times, call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as there may be an underlying medical condition at play.

Preview of topic image for “Helping Someone Who Has Fainted or is About to Faint” as this topic is questions only.

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