How to Ask Others to Wear a Face Covering

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: In this subject, learners are taught techniques for politely asking and encouraging others to correctly wear a face covering in a way that is not alienating or conflict-inducing to maintain their safety and the safety of those around them. DISCLAIMER: THE SAFETY OF YOUR EMPLOYEES IS OUR TOP PRIORITY. While this subject offers techniques for how to ask customers to wear a face covering, it DOES NOT encourage or suggest employees escalate or engage in any situations that may put them or others in an unsafe position. It is not your employees' job to force customers to comply with rules about wearing a face covering. Customers not wearing a face covering have the right not to disclose their personal restrictions and shouldn't be pressured or confronted into doing so.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: In this subject, learners are taught techniques for politely asking and encouraging others to correctly wear a face covering in a way that is not alienating or conflict-inducing to maintain their safety and the safety of those around them. DISCLAIMER: THE SAFETY OF YOUR EMPLOYEES IS OUR TOP PRIORITY. While this subject offers techniques for how to ask customers to wear a face covering, it DOES NOT encourage or suggest employees escalate or engage in any situations that may put them or others in an unsafe position. It is not your employees' job to force customers to comply with rules about wearing a face covering. Customers not wearing a face covering have the right not to disclose their personal restrictions and shouldn't be pressured or confronted into doing so.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: In this subject, learners are taught techniques for politely asking and encouraging others to correctly wear a face covering in a way that is not alienating or conflict-inducing to maintain their safety and the safety of those around them. DISCLAIMER: THE SAFETY OF YOUR EMPLOYEES IS OUR TOP PRIORITY. While this subject offers techniques for how to ask customers to wear a face covering, it DOES NOT encourage or suggest employees escalate or engage in any situations that may put them or others in an unsafe position. It is not your employees' job to force customers to comply with rules about wearing a face covering. Customers not wearing a face covering have the right not to disclose their personal restrictions and shouldn't be pressured or confronted into doing so.


Techniques for Asking and Encouraging Others to Wear a Face Covering

  • When it comes to ensuring your safety, the only person you can control is you. Yes, it can be frustrating when others don’t act the same way you do and enter your store without a face covering, especially when it creates a health concern, but that doesn’t mean you can take your frustration and anger out on them. Rather than shame and yell at them, it’s better to try to subtlety and politely convince them to also wear a face covering, so you don’t unnecessarily escalate the situation. In this topic, you’ll learn how to politely ask and encourage others to wear a face covering in your store, while keeping yourself and others safe.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Before asking a customer to wear a face covering, set an example for them by wearing your face covering properly and maintaining physical distance (6ft / 2m) from others. This will help establish social expectations and encourage customers to do the same.

    2. Praise and thank customers who are wearing face coverings. This will show that you appreciate their efforts and positively encourage others around them to do the same.

    3. If a customer is wearing a face covering on their neck or chin, and you’re comfortable doing so, politely ask them to move it over their mouth and nose. If you don’t feel comfortable, maintain physical distancing around them.

    4. Avoid directly confronting customers when they’re not wearing a face covering if you think doing so will cause an unsafe situation, so you don’t risk creating a conflict or endangering yourself and others. Instead, focus on keeping a physical distance of 6 feet (2 metres) from them.

    5. If you’re having trouble maintaining physical distance from a customer who’s not wearing a face covering, or are concerned that asking them to wear one will create an unsafe situation, try to limit how much you interact with them and politely encourage them to keep a physical distance of 6 feet (2 meters) from you.

    6. If you don’t feel comfortable asking a customer to wear a face covering, or you feel you’re in an unsafe situation, don’t approach the customer. Instead, alert or speak with your manager to ask them for support.

    7. When asking customers to wear a face covering, be kind, polite, and empathetic. Some customers may have a medical reason for not wearing the face covering that you’re not aware of, so don’t assume you know why they’re not wearing one.

    8. When asking a customer to wear a face covering, refer to your store or company policy. This will help show them that you’re just doing your job and trying to keep everyone in the store safe, not personally criticize them.

    9. Phrase your requests for customers to wear a face covering as something that benefits both of you and others, and use “I” statements instead of “you” statements to encourage them to wear one.

    10. If you’re trying to encourage a customer to wear a face covering, remain calm and positive, and phrase your request as a question, rather than a statement directly telling them what to do. This will help you sound curious rather than demanding. Criticizing them and being aggressive will just make the customer upset.

    11. If you get upset or emotional with a customer in the moment, apologize to them and explain how you feel, so you don’t make the situation worse. It’s okay to tell them you’re also frustrated, but your first priority should be keeping yourself, your co-workers, and other customers safe, not arguing with customers.

    12. If a customer says “no” to your request to wear a face covering, politely end the conversation and walk away, so you don’t risk escalating the situation.

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