PIN Pad Security

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Languages: English

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Description: More and more people are choosing to make purchases with debit and credit cards, so it's important that appropriate protection measures are put in place to protect customer payment data. In seconds, hackers can install devices on store PIN pad terminals and steal cardholder information, like the card number, security code, and PIN number, of thousands of customers. In this subject, both employees and managers will learn what they can do to help prevent hackers from obtaining this information and protect the security of their customers.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: More and more people are choosing to make purchases with debit and credit cards, so it's important that appropriate protection measures are put in place to protect customer payment data. In seconds, hackers can install devices on store PIN pad terminals and steal cardholder information, like the card number, security code, and PIN number, of thousands of customers. In this subject, both employees and managers will learn what they can do to help prevent hackers from obtaining this information and protect the security of their customers.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: More and more people are choosing to make purchases with debit and credit cards, so it's important that appropriate protection measures are put in place to protect customer payment data. In seconds, hackers can install devices on store PIN pad terminals and steal cardholder information, like the card number, security code, and PIN number, of thousands of customers. In this subject, both employees and managers will learn what they can do to help prevent hackers from obtaining this information and protect the security of their customers.


What Everybody Needs to Know About PIN Pad Security

  • As an employee, you are one of the main points of defense against hackers since you’re standing right in front of the PIN pad. It’s important that you know how to identify suspicious activity and equipment on and around the PIN pad terminal to protect customer payment information. In this topic, you’ll learn when and how to inspect the PIN pad terminal to determine if it’s been tampered with. You’ll also learn what a skimmer is, and tips you can use during a transaction to prevent a hacker from installing harmful devices in the first place.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Before using your assigned register, inspect the PIN pad terminal for any evidence that it has been tampered with. This will help prevent customer cardholder information from being stolen.

    2. Look for unusual wires or attachments and any error messages on the PIN pad screen as this could mean the terminal has been tampered with.

    3. Confirm that the PIN pad terminal is securely mounted and that the brackets and screws are tightly fastened. Loose brackets or hardware can mean that someone has tampered with the terminal.

    4. Inspect the PIN pad terminal’s keypad by checking that the keys protrude and that there isn’t a keypad overlay, (a device that sits on top of the keypad), on the terminal. Thieves can use these devices to steal customer PIN numbers.

    5. During your shift, watch for any suspicious activity, either from customers or other people in general, as this can suggest they may have tampered with the PIN pad terminal.

    6. When processing a transaction, check for any signs that the customer’s credit or debit card may have been tampered with, so you don’t accidently process a fraudulent card.

    7. If you notice anything suspicious during your inspection or shift at the register, report it right away to your manager or according to your company’s policy.

    8. A skimmer is a device placed on or near a PIN pad terminal that allows someone to steal a customer’s card information, including their PIN number each time a card is swiped.

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What Managers Need to Know About PIN Pad Security

  • Though you may not process transactions directly in your department or store, as a manager, you are still responsible for maintaining the security of PIN pad terminals and customers’ payment information. In this topic, you’ll learn when and how to inspect your store’s PIN pad terminals for signs of tampering, and what to do if you suspect one of them has been tampered with. It will also cover how to prevent PIN pad tampering in remote locations of your store.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Inspect all the store’s PIN pad terminals, in all departments, daily. This will help make sure that they haven’t been tampered with and that the store is following Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations and won’t be fined.

    2. Make sure you check on and inspect PIN pad terminals in remote departments or areas of the store more often because they’re used less often and usually left unattended.

    3. During your inspection, look for any changes to the PIN pad terminal’s serial number or other unusual external markings that might suggest the terminal has been tampered with.

    4. If you or an employee suspects a PIN pad terminal may have been tampered with, stop using it right away and report it according to your store’s policy, so the right people can confirm if the terminal is compromised.

    5. Keep track of your PIN pad terminal inspections according to your company’s guidelines, so you can confirm that you’ve inspected all the store’s PIN pad terminals, in compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations.

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