Sharps Safety - How to Clean Up Needles

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Languages: English

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Description: Discarded needles are dangerous for many different reasons. They can be left anywhere, so employees must know how to react when they encounter one. In this subject, learners will be taught what to do if they find a discarded needle at their workplace, including how to safely pick it up, carry it, and where to properly dispose of it. Needles must be promptly and correctly removed to maintain public safety.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Discarded needles are dangerous for many different reasons. They can be left anywhere, so employees must know how to react when they encounter one. In this subject, learners will be taught what to do if they find a discarded needle at their workplace, including how to safely pick it up, carry it, and where to properly dispose of it. Needles must be promptly and correctly removed to maintain public safety.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Discarded needles are dangerous for many different reasons. They can be left anywhere, so employees must know how to react when they encounter one. In this subject, learners will be taught what to do if they find a discarded needle at their workplace, including how to safely pick it up, carry it, and where to properly dispose of it. Needles must be promptly and correctly removed to maintain public safety.


Proper Handling and Disposal of Needles

  • It’s always safest to avoid having to pick up or handle a discarded needle if possible. However, sometimes you must dispose of it in order to maintain public safety. In this topic, you’ll learn best practices for how to safely pick a needle up, carry it, and discard it into the correct disposal container.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Do not dispose of needles in a regular garbage or recycling bin, trash bag, or toilet. Needles must be discarded into the correct sharps disposal container. If one isn’t available, place it into a hard container with a lid, like a plastic food container.

    2. If you find a discarded needle, do not try to bend, break, or recap the needle. Doing so will put you at risk of being inadvertently pricked by the needle, exposing you to whatever substance is inside.

    3. Do not try to force a needle into a container that is either too small for it or already full. You could accidentally prick yourself on the needle, or the needle stem could snap off.

    4. Before you pick up a discarded needle, wear personal protective equipment, like gloves and eyewear if possible. These are important for avoiding contact with the liquid in case the needle breaks.

    5. When you’re holding or carrying a needle, always keep the tip of it facing away from your body. If the tip is facing you, you could be at risk of being accidentally pricked by it.

    6. If possible, use tongs or something similar to pick up and carry the needle so you don’t have to physically make contact with it. Make sure whatever you’re using has a strong enough grip that the needle won’t fall while you’re carrying it.

    7. In general, never carry garbage bags directly against your body. Someone may have incorrectly disposed of a needle in the garbage and carrying the bag too close to your body puts you at risk of being accidentally pricked.

    8. If you do accidentally make contact with the tip of the needle, immediately wash the exposed area with soap and running water and inform your manager. Then, go to your doctor’s to make sure the area isn’t infected.

    9. After the needle has been properly disposed of, wash your hands with soap and water. This should be done regardless of whether or not you made direct contact with the needle.

Preview of video module for “Proper Handling and Disposal of Needles”.

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