Driver Safety - Driving at Night for Right-Side Drivers

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Driving at night is significantly more dangerous than driving during the day. Vision is severely limited at night, but there are ways to properly prepare the car and strategies for keeping safe while driving in the dark. This subject will teach learners about how to safely navigate dark roads, when to operate high beam headlights, and how to reduce glare so they can see clearly. Note: This content is written for those who drive on the right-hand side of the road.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Driving at night is significantly more dangerous than driving during the day. Vision is severely limited at night, but there are ways to properly prepare the car and strategies for keeping safe while driving in the dark. This subject will teach learners about how to safely navigate dark roads, when to operate high beam headlights, and how to reduce glare so they can see clearly. Note: This content is written for those who drive on the right-hand side of the road.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Driving at night is significantly more dangerous than driving during the day. Vision is severely limited at night, but there are ways to properly prepare the car and strategies for keeping safe while driving in the dark. This subject will teach learners about how to safely navigate dark roads, when to operate high beam headlights, and how to reduce glare so they can see clearly. Note: This content is written for those who drive on the right-hand side of the road.


Proper Use of Headlights - Right-Side Drivers

  • High beam headlights and low beam headlights can help you see at night, however; there are certain things you need to consider when using them. Just as you don’t want to be blinded by other cars, you need to use your headlights in a way that keeps everyone safe. You’ll also learn about the importance of making sure your headlights are aligned, and when high beams can actually make it harder to see.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Use high beam headlights at night on roads with reduced lighting to increase your visibility. High beam headlights can double the length of road you can see compared to normal lights.

    2. Switch from high beam to low beam headlights when you are within 200-300 feet (60-90 meters) of a vehicle in front of you or within 500 feet (150 meters) of an oncoming vehicle. This reduces glare and avoids blinding drivers.

    3. Switch from high beam to low beam headlights when you are within 200-300 feet (60-90 meters) of a vehicle in front of you or within 500 feet (150 meters) of an oncoming vehicle. This reduces glare and avoids blinding drivers.

    4. Switch from high beam headlights to low beam headlights when approaching hills or curves on the road to avoid blinding oncoming drivers.

    5. Don’t use your high beam headlights in fog or heavy precipitation, even at night, since it will reflect back at you and create more glare.

    6. Overdriving is when you drive too fast and can’t stop in the distance shown by your headlights and can be very dangerous, so try to avoid it when driving at night.

    7. It’s important to keep your headlights properly aligned because if they are tilted too far down, the road will not be properly illuminated, and if they are too high, they can cause glare to oncoming drivers. Consult a professional to check your headlight alignment.

    8. To avoid overdriving your headlights at night, try to limit how long you drive above 40 MPH (65 KMH) with low beam headlights and 60 MPH (100 KMH) with high beam headlights in good conditions.

Preview of video module for Proper Use of Headlights - Right-Side Drivers.


Safety Tips for Night Driving - Right-Side Drivers

  • Night driving can be extremely dangerous since your vision is quite restricted compared to during the day. You’ll have to watch out for wildlife, glare, and impaired drivers much more than daytime driving. This topic will teach you best practices around these things as well as the importance of keeping your windshield clean and how to safely stop in the dark.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Keep your windshield clean, inside and outside, as streaks and smudges can make glare from other headlights worse and reduce your visibility.

    2. Look slightly down and to the right of oncoming traffic to reduce glare and avoid being blinded by the headlights. The right edge of the road can act as a guide for you if oncoming headlights are too bright.

    3. If you have to pull over on the road during the night, move as far away from the road as possible and put on your hazard lights to make sure others can see you.

    4. Watch for wildlife crossing the road by looking for the reflections of their eyes. Most collisions with them happen at night, so slow down safely if you see them, and don’t swerve or exit your lane.

    5. Lower your speed when driving at night because the darkness creates lower visibility and slower reaction times.

    6. Drive sober and stay alert as the risk of accidents involving impaired drivers at night increases.

    7. Turn down the brightness of your dashboard lights when driving at night as they can be distracting and create reflections on your windows and windshield.

Preview of video module for Safety Tips for Night Driving - Right-Side Drivers.

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