Food Safety - Hot Surfaces

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: When working in a kitchen, there are many things to be aware of to keep the area safe. One of the highest risks, however, is working with hot surfaces like ovens, fryers, and stoves. Food can burn, grease can splatter, and fires can start unexpectedly. In this subject, learners are taught how to reduce the chances of burns and fires from happening. This includes the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be worn, like oven mitts, non-slip shoes, and aprons. It also covers how to properly move heated liquids, how to properly open oven doors, lift lids of pots and pans, and more.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: When working in a kitchen, there are many things to be aware of to keep the area safe. One of the highest risks, however, is working with hot surfaces like ovens, fryers, and stoves. Food can burn, grease can splatter, and fires can start unexpectedly. In this subject, learners are taught how to reduce the chances of burns and fires from happening. This includes the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be worn, like oven mitts, non-slip shoes, and aprons. It also covers how to properly move heated liquids, how to properly open oven doors, lift lids of pots and pans, and more.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: When working in a kitchen, there are many things to be aware of to keep the area safe. One of the highest risks, however, is working with hot surfaces like ovens, fryers, and stoves. Food can burn, grease can splatter, and fires can start unexpectedly. In this subject, learners are taught how to reduce the chances of burns and fires from happening. This includes the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be worn, like oven mitts, non-slip shoes, and aprons. It also covers how to properly move heated liquids, how to properly open oven doors, lift lids of pots and pans, and more.


Working with Fryers

  • Fryers are cooking devices that allow you to cook many items quickly and efficiently, but many things could go wrong. In this topic, learners are taught how to best prepare food for frying to reduce the chance of burns, what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn, and other safety precautions to deal with splatter from oil from a fryer.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Heat oil slowly to its intended temperature, and don’t leave it unattended to help avoid splash (from boiling oil) and burns.

    2. When placing food into hot grease, always let the item slide away from you, so the grease doesn’t splash towards you and cause a burn.

    3. When working with foods that could splatter, wear a non-combustible (flame-resistant), waterproof apron to help avoid burns.

    4. Wear non-skid, splash-proof (closed-toe) shoes with a high leather-like top to reduce the chance of spilling hot liquid and to protect your feet from hot grease or liquids.

    5. Dry off wet food and brush ice crystals off frozen food to reduce the amount of splatter and steam when they touch hot oil.

    6. Do not overfill fryer baskets, generally more than half full, to avoid oil from spilling over when placed in and causing burns.

    7. Raise and lower the fryer baskets gently into the oil in the fryer to reduce the splash of hot liquids and burns.

    8. Do not lean over the fryer when it’s in use as the oil gets very hot, and you could be burned.

    9. Cool fat/oil before draining it or transporting it, so the chance of spilling hot liquids is reduced.

    10. Keep beverages and other liquids away from fryers because when they mix with hot oil, they create splatter and could cause burns.

    11. Always use potholders or oven mitts when lifting baskets and moving them around.

Preview of video module for “Working with Fryers”.


Working with Ovens

  • Ovens are used to bake, cook, and reheat a variety of food items. Ovens are simple to use, as you set the temperature and let the food cook on its own, but there are a variety of hazards that come with it. In this topic, the proper safety equipment to use is taught, along with some warnings for what you should never do when using ovens, how to safely open oven doors to reduce injury, and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Wear heat-resistant oven mitts, or use hot pads when removing racks or pans from the oven.

    2. Open oven doors slowly while standing to the side to avoid facial burns and steam blasts.

    3. Make sure you wear shirts with well-fitted sleeves, or buttoned at the wrist, because loose sleeves are potential fire hazards.

    4. Never use wet material, like a damp towel, to remove hot trays from the oven because they conduct heat easily and could cause a minor burn.

    5. Clean grease and debris from the oven to prevent it from cooking, as it could ignite and start a fire.

    6. Don’t line the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil to catch drips as this can block airflow, trap heat, and increase the chance of fire.

    7. Wear non-slip soled shoes to reduce the chance of slipping when carrying hot trays.

    8. Check on the items in the oven frequently to make sure that there are no signs of fire.

Preview of video module for “Working with Ovens”.


Working with Stoves

  • Stoves can be used to cook a variety of foods by frying, sautéing, searing, and browning them. Although they are versatile and convenient, there are many safety precautions. In this topic, learners are taught how to handle hot pans and pots, what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn, how to avoid steam burns and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. To help prevent burns, avoid reaching or leaning over a stove, especially if there are hot surfaces or steaming pots.

    2. Always turn the handles of pots and pans inwards so that they don’t extend into the aisle or over open flames. This will also reduce the chance of them being knocked over.

    3. Don’t store anything on the stovetop, especially wooden utensils or other combustibles (towels), as they can easily catch fire.

    4. Do not use wet or damp towels to handle pots and pans because they conduct heat easily and could cause minor burns.

    5. Remove the lids of pots slowly, and lift them away from you, so steam doesn’t rush out and cause a burn.

    6. When working over gas burners, make sure your sleeves are well-fitted or buttoned at the wrist as they could become a fire hazard.

    7. To avoid burns, use hot pads, heat-resistant gloves, or mitts when handling hot pans or pots.

    8. Wear non-skid and closed-toe shoes to avoid slipping and dropping pots filled with liquids.

    9. To prevent pots from boiling over and causing burns, don’t completely fill them.

    10. Never leave hot oil or grease in a pot unattended, as splashed grease on a stove range can ignite quickly and start a fire.

Preview of video module for “Working with Stoves”.

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