Leadership Essentials - Cross-Training - Grocery

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Languages: English

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Description: Frontline employees know that each workday will be slightly different, but sometimes unexpected situations, emergencies, or sudden changes can dramatically alter the needs of the business for that period of time. Managers can help minimize the disruption of these situations by using cross-training to prepare their employees to execute certain tasks when needed. This subject will teach learners how cross-training can benefit them and their teams and cover some best practices for implementing a cross-training plan in frontline grocery industries.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Frontline employees know that each workday will be slightly different, but sometimes unexpected situations, emergencies, or sudden changes can dramatically alter the needs of the business for that period of time. Managers can help minimize the disruption of these situations by using cross-training to prepare their employees to execute certain tasks when needed. This subject will teach learners how cross-training can benefit them and their teams and cover some best practices for implementing a cross-training plan in frontline grocery industries.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Frontline employees know that each workday will be slightly different, but sometimes unexpected situations, emergencies, or sudden changes can dramatically alter the needs of the business for that period of time. Managers can help minimize the disruption of these situations by using cross-training to prepare their employees to execute certain tasks when needed. This subject will teach learners how cross-training can benefit them and their teams and cover some best practices for implementing a cross-training plan in frontline grocery industries.


The Benefits of Cross-Training - Grocery

  • Cross-training has many benefits for all levels of employees. It helps teams be able to adapt better, employees feel more satisfied, and managers have more flexibility. In this topic, we’ll discuss the specific benefits of cross-training, as well as how to identify which employees will benefit most from cross-training.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Cross-training is when existing employees are taught how to perform the tasks of more than one role in a company, store, or organization, allowing them to be confident in performing a wider range of duties.

    2. Cross-training encourages teamwork and collaboration across employee groups that may not work together during their regular duties. Cross-trained employees are less likely to feel isolated or resentful of other teams.

    3. When sudden changes or uncertain situations arise, cross-trained employees are more confident and better able to support the needs of the team and business. This is because they’ve already received training on the additional skills or responsibilities that may need to be performed.

    4. Cross-training helps to identify employees with potential and interest in moving to higher positions. This helps to retain valuable, skilled employees, as well as eases future transitions to management roles.

    5. Cross-training helps teams be better able to adjust to unpredictable demands. Your business is less likely to experience difficulties during times of transition or busyness when employees are effectively cross-trained.

    6. Cross-training allows managers to rearrange the positions of employees in both short- and long-term situations. This helps to simplify scheduling and account for unexpected circumstances.

    7. It's important to recognize which employees will benefit from being cross-trained, since not all employees will want to be. If you cross-train employees who prefer their current roles and responsibilities, you may receive negative reactions from these individuals.

    8. Employees who are a good fit for cross-training typically experience more enjoyment and employee satisfaction from their job when they’ve been cross-trained.

    9. Cross-training is an important retention strategy, as it can help employees who aren’t satisfied in their current position to learn other skills. They can then potentially move to a new role in the current organization, rather than looking for a new place of work.

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Best Practices for Implementing Cross-Training - Grocery

  • Cross-training your frontline teams has many benefits, both for you as a manager and for your employees. However, if your cross-training plan isn’t implemented correctly, you risk losing out on many of those benefits. This topic will help you identify who and what roles are candidates for cross-training and will examine some best practices for ensuring the success of a cross-training plan.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. To prepare an effective cross-training plan, start by identifying the important tasks or duties that are required in your department(s). This will help you determine where cross-training will be effective.

    2. Establish who on your team(s) is a good fit for being cross-trained, because some employees prefer to have refined skills in only their specific role, while others may want to have a variety of experiences. Cross-training unwilling employees could decrease their job satisfaction and may lead to increased turnover.

    3. Make sure you have all the necessary resources before you launch a cross-training initiative. If there are major interruptions or setbacks, both employee productivity and the positive effects of cross-training will be weakened

    4. While an employee is being cross-trained, reduce their workload in their regular position so they can effectively balance their duties. If they become overwhelmed because of cross-training, the process will be less effective, and the employee will be less satisfied.

    5. Regularly reassess the effectiveness of your cross-training plan and provide your employees with ongoing training. It’s important to reinforce the skills they are learning, especially if they aren’t practicing them frequently.

    6. If you plan to cross-train your employees regularly, look for the individuals who match your values and fit your culture, as they are likely to be more motivated to help the team succeed and will be good candidates for cross-training.

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