Leadership Essentials - Change Management 🌎

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

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Description: As the leaders closest to your employees, your frontline supervisors' support and encouragement are critical to any changes your company wants to implement. Change management is never simple nor straightforward and requires critical skills to be effective. In this subject, we'll cover the essentials of how leaders can implement a change plan, how to communicate that plan to their team, and what it takes to reinforce those ideas, so they are embedded deeply into your company's culture. Equipped with this knowledge, your leaders will be able to boost morale and help employees navigate change effectively.

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: As the leaders closest to your employees, your frontline supervisors' support and encouragement are critical to any changes your company wants to implement. Change management is never simple nor straightforward and requires critical skills to be effective. In this subject, we'll cover the essentials of how leaders can implement a change plan, how to communicate that plan to their team, and what it takes to reinforce those ideas, so they are embedded deeply into your company's culture. Equipped with this knowledge, your leaders will be able to boost morale and help employees navigate change effectively.

Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: As the leaders closest to your employees, your frontline supervisors' support and encouragement are critical to any changes your company wants to implement. Change management is never simple nor straightforward and requires critical skills to be effective. In this subject, we'll cover the essentials of how leaders can implement a change plan, how to communicate that plan to their team, and what it takes to reinforce those ideas, so they are embedded deeply into your company's culture. Equipped with this knowledge, your leaders will be able to boost morale and help employees navigate change effectively.


Preparing for Change

  • Effective change management begins with preparing employees to support the change within the organization. In this topic, you’ll learn how to show employees the need for the change as well as how they’ll benefit from the change. This will allow you to integrate the changed behavior or process into your team’s culture, which is essential to having the change succeed. This topic includes a video to introduce key concepts.

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    1. Create a sense of clear need and benefit in your communications about the change to help employees move from their comfort zone into action.

    2. Focus on the importance of the change effort and avoid starting with the vision and strategy. This will help employees to feel empowered and ready to support the change.

    3. Position the change around a relatable story that demonstrates why the change is required. This will help employees get excited about the change.

    4. Keep the change effort vision very clear so that frontline employees and top management can explain the vision within five minutes. A complicated or vague vision will result in low acceptance and can lead to the change effort failing.

    5. Choose the communication channels that your team already uses, so you can effectively present the change effort (Email, news bulletin, intranet, etc.).

    6. Be genuine and empathetic when addressing employees’ anxieties, confusion, anger, and distrust. Negative feelings can slow down the change or lead to people leaving the team/company.
      Example: "I know you're worried about replacing the old methodology; let's go through your list of concerns," shows that you understand that change can be accompanied by much emotion and resistance; it helps people work through the process.

    7. Communicate relevant details about the change effort as they become available. This will help employees feel empowered to support the change.

Preview of video module for “Preparing for Change”.


Implementing Change

  • Once you have begun the change management process in your organization, it’s important to find ways to manage that effort. In this topic, you’ll learn how and why to build trust on your team, how to motivate and encourage your team to accept the change, when to celebrate progress with your team, and more. This topic includes a video to introduce key concepts.

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    1. Build a strong relationship with your team by being helpful, active, and visible. This will help to build trust and increase morale.
      Example: "Everyone will be fully trained on the new system... starting with me" Ensures their words and actions model the new way of doing things and reflect a positive attitude.

    2. During a change effort, make sure your team sees that you are also implementing the changes. Leading by example also builds credibility and forges a path for your team to follow.

    3. Celebrate progress and express appreciation for employees’ assistance and cooperation in implementing the change. Encouragement helps boost morale and build momentum.
      Example: "Phase 1 is officially done. Lunch is on me." Applauds the good stuff that is happening and finds ways to reward those who are working hard to bring about the change.

    4. Make sure you fully understand how much work is required by your team to make the change implementation successful. Oversimplifying the change or the tasks can cause mistrust and build resistance.
      Example: "One email should be enough to get everyone on board." Wreaks havoc by oversimplifying or underestimating the degree of change or level of work required.

    5. Provide regular communication/updates during a change effort to help prevent misunderstandings and to help stop gossip or false information from circulating.
      Example: "There is a lot to do! I'll meet with each of you weekly to help prioritize tasks." Guides team members through the process of incorporating new tasks into existing workload; ensures the focus is placed on the right activities.

    6. Make sure communications about the change effort are sent to all levels of employees, not just senior management, so that all teams feel included and know what’s required of them.
      Example: "I want to share where we are and get your feedback on..." Believes regular communication is the key to inspiring, informing and aligning people during change.

    7. Leading by example helps you build credibility and creates a clear direction for your team to follow.

Preview of video module for “Implementing Change”.


Reinforcing Change

  • After a change effort is underway within your company, it will require support to make sure your team is able to embrace and sustain the change over the long-term. In this topic, we’ll focus on how to create easy goals for your team and the importance of celebrating accomplishments so that the changes being made will become a part of your team’s values and culture. This topic includes a video to introduce key concepts.

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    1. Create easy goals that your team can achieve quickly to help build morale and support for the change effort.

    2. Celebrate your team’s early successes to help them stay focused and help reduce distraction.

    3. Give your team regular updates about how they’re meeting the goals of the change effort. This will help encourage your team and build momentum.

    4. Observe your team as they work, so you can find ways to help them keep or increase their enthusiasm for the change effort.

    5. Find ways to incorporate the change into your team’s culture, which will help you sustain the change over the long-term.

    6. Share with your team when you see people actively supporting or helping your team meet their goals. This will help create new shared expectations and values for your team.

    7. Reinforce what you want your team to do to accomplish the change effort. Otherwise, your team might return to old habits or processes.

Preview of video module for “Reinforcing Change”.


Communicating for Change

  • Communication is vital when trying to make a change happen within your company. An effective communication plan will help you identify what to communicate, who needs the communication, as well as when and how to do it. By combining these elements, you’ll ensure that the right people have the information they need about the change at the right time. This topic includes a video to introduce key concepts.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

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  • Translated content is typically AI-generated, and in some instances, it's been human-reviewed. Review the list below for translation details within this topic.

    • English

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      • Video = human-translated

    • Spanish

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      • Video = human-translated

    1. Identify the key information you need to communicate with your team throughout implementing the change effort. This will be your communication plan and will help you keep your team informed throughout the process.

    2. When you create the communication plan, be sure to ask for input from key members of your team. This will help you keep communication consistent and consider the impact the change will have on everyone involved.

    3. Explain why the change is necessary and what the benefits are. This will help your employees understand the reasons for the change.

    4. Involve your team in implementing the change. This will help create ownership for the change effort and help identify potential problems.

    5. Show your support for the changes through your words and actions, so employees know you support the change effort.

    6. Identify the most effective ways of communicating with your team. Be sure to use multiple forms of communication, so everyone can see the information.

    7. Communicate what your expectations are and what you will do to support the team's work. This will help you hold your team accountable.

    8. Address employees’ feedback about the change, so that they can encourage other team members to support the change.

Preview of video module for “Communicating for Change”.

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