Leadership Essentials - Giving Effective Feedback 🌎

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Many leaders will tell you that one of the most unfortunate components of their job is having a difficult conversation with an employee. These can range from giving bad news about company results or lack of bonuses to sharing negative feedback on individual performance to doing lay offs and terminations. While these events are often inevitable, there are strategies leaders can put into practice to help them have less stressful and more meaningful, difficult conversations. This subject focuses on what leaders can do to prepare for a difficult conversation about employee feedback and provides some tips for how to effectively communicate the objective feedback during the conversation.

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Many leaders will tell you that one of the most unfortunate components of their job is having a difficult conversation with an employee. These can range from giving bad news about company results or lack of bonuses to sharing negative feedback on individual performance to doing lay offs and terminations. While these events are often inevitable, there are strategies leaders can put into practice to help them have less stressful and more meaningful, difficult conversations. This subject focuses on what leaders can do to prepare for a difficult conversation about employee feedback and provides some tips for how to effectively communicate the objective feedback during the conversation.

Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Many leaders will tell you that one of the most unfortunate components of their job is having a difficult conversation with an employee. These can range from giving bad news about company results or lack of bonuses to sharing negative feedback on individual performance to doing lay offs and terminations. While these events are often inevitable, there are strategies leaders can put into practice to help them have less stressful and more meaningful, difficult conversations. This subject focuses on what leaders can do to prepare for a difficult conversation about employee feedback and provides some tips for how to effectively communicate the objective feedback during the conversation.


Preparing for a Feedback Meeting

  • In this topic, learners are taught what they could and should do to best prepare themselves for a difficult conversation with an employee. Some of the best practices in this content include: finding a private place to speak, like an office or empty meeting room, preparing objective notes about one or two issues, scheduling regular feedback meetings, and more.

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    • PDF module (This module was created in a tool that is not supported by our Content Studio offering.)

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    • Spanish

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    1. Make sure you’re well prepared for a feedback meeting because how well you give feedback affects the recipient’s morale and confidence in their ability to change.

    2. Give feedback in private so that the recipient isn’t humiliated by being criticized in front of their peers.

    3. Make sure your feedback is timely. Give feedback as soon after the event/issue as possible so that it isn’t a surprise, and the details are still fresh in your minds.

    4. Provide feedback on a regular basis so that employees are aware of how they’re performing. This allows them to make whatever changes are necessary to correct unfitting behaviors immediately.

    5. Keep feedback focused on one or two issues. Discussing more than two issues can make the recipient feel attacked, which can impact their confidence in their ability to change or correct the issue(s).

    6. Before giving feedback, make sure your motives are to improve the situation or the recipient’s performance. Feedback inspired by personal feelings or pettiness will be less effective and can be damaging to the recipient’s morale and to the relationship.

    7. Before giving feedback, prepare your comments, so you know what you need to say, and you can deliver your message as clearly as possible, even if it’s an uncomfortable situation.

    8. If it’s an emotional situation, give yourself and the recipient a chance to calm down before giving feedback. This helps to make sure the recipient is ready to hear the feedback and is in a better position to listen effectively.

Preview of PDF module for “Preparing for a Feedback Meeting”.


How to Give Effective Feedback

  • This topic teaches learners some of the best practices they should follow when giving negative performance-related feedback to an employee. Some of the practices they’ll learn include the importance of delivering a clear and objective message, sharing how the poor performance impacts the business, trying to understand the root cause for the poor performance, monitoring body language, and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • Translated content is typically AI-generated, and in some instances, it's been human-reviewed. Review the list below for translation details within this topic.

    • English

    • French

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = AI-translated

    • Spanish

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      • Video = human-translated

    1. Be clear about the reason for the feedback; state the issue and the action or outcome you’d like to see happen as a result of the feedback.

    2. Use ‘I’ statements when giving feedback so that the recipient knows you’re communicating your perspective. This also helps avoid the impression that you’re judging their character or motives. (“I was upset when you….” rather than “It was very rude of you to…”)

    3. Make sure you outline how the behavior or issue is impacting the team or the business so that the recipient can draw a clear line between the behavior and its impact.

    4. Try to understand the root cause of the issue rather than focusing the feedback on the symptoms. This helps to address and remove the cause of the incorrect behavior and puts the recipient in a better position to improve their performance.

    5. Avoid words like ‘never’, ‘always’, etc., so that the recipient doesn’t get defensive or feel like their whole character or work repertoire is being attacked.

    6. Start and end the feedback by speaking about the positives. This helps put the recipient at ease and identifies a positive behavior or success that they can match.

    7. When giving feedback, stay in control of your own emotions; this helps the recipient receiving the feedback stay in control of their emotions as well.

    8. Monitor the body language of the recipient, so you have a better sense of how they’re absorbing it, and so you can possibly determine whether or not there are other issues to discuss.

Preview of video module for “How to Give Effective Feedback”.

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