Visual Merchandising 101

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Languages: English

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Description: Online shopping continues to be popular among customers, so visual merchandising is an important tool to help retailers get customers to come into their stores. Visual merchandising is based on both strategy and psychology and uses elements like lighting, color, and store layout to get customers to spend time and money in your store. As your employees are the ones who implement and execute these visual merchandising plans and displays, it's important that they understand what visual merchandising is and how they can help make sure it's done effectively. In this subject, employees will get an overview of what visual merchandising is, what its benefits are, and some simple tips and strategies they can use when they need to set up or create their own displays in your store.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Online shopping continues to be popular among customers, so visual merchandising is an important tool to help retailers get customers to come into their stores. Visual merchandising is based on both strategy and psychology and uses elements like lighting, color, and store layout to get customers to spend time and money in your store. As your employees are the ones who implement and execute these visual merchandising plans and displays, it's important that they understand what visual merchandising is and how they can help make sure it's done effectively. In this subject, employees will get an overview of what visual merchandising is, what its benefits are, and some simple tips and strategies they can use when they need to set up or create their own displays in your store.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Online shopping continues to be popular among customers, so visual merchandising is an important tool to help retailers get customers to come into their stores. Visual merchandising is based on both strategy and psychology and uses elements like lighting, color, and store layout to get customers to spend time and money in your store. As your employees are the ones who implement and execute these visual merchandising plans and displays, it's important that they understand what visual merchandising is and how they can help make sure it's done effectively. In this subject, employees will get an overview of what visual merchandising is, what its benefits are, and some simple tips and strategies they can use when they need to set up or create their own displays in your store.


The Basics of Visual Merchandising

  • Visual merchandising may seem like something only corporate employees need to worry about, but it’s an important concept all employees need to understand for it to be effective. In this topic, you’ll learn about the basics of visual merchandising including what it is, what its benefits are, why it’s important, and some common examples of how it is used. We’ll also cover some key strategies you can use in your store if you need to create a product display of your own, regardless of what type of merchandise your store sells.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Visual merchandising is the practice of strategically displaying products to highlight their features and encourage customers to purchase them.

    2. Common examples of visual merchandising include, but are not limited to window displays, mannequins, interactive displays, checkout displays, end displays, store layouts, signage, and even lighting. All are designed to attract and encourage customers to buy the merchandise.

    3. The goal and benefit of visual merchandising is to increase sales, customer experience, and brand recognition and loyalty, for one or multiple stores.

    4. Use the rule of three when creating displays by grouping products into sets of three. This helps attract and keep your customers’ attention. The products could all be the same, different versions of the same product, or all be different.

    5. Use the pyramid principle to draw customers’ attention to a specific item. It involves forming a triangular display where the tallest, largest, or most important item is at the top, above a selection of smaller or less significant items.

    6. Use the grouping technique to display similar or complementary items, or multiples of the same item with different traits (i.e., price, color, size) together. This helps save customers time, promote multiple products at once, and encourage customers to buy more products from you in a single transaction.

    7. Use clear, large signage to highlight the price points of particular popular or promoted products. This effectively shows customers which products have the best value or deal. All surrounding price signage should be smaller.

    8. Use demonstrations and staging to help customers imagine what owning or having your product(s) would be like (i.e., show rather than tell). This can help encourage them to purchase it.

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