Call Center Essentials 🌎

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Speaking with a customer over the phone requires attention to detail, patience, and empathy. To master these skills, employees will need to start with the basics. In this subject, learners will be taught how to keep their company's resources at hand, take good notes, and stay organized. We'll also cover what to do when they are on the phone with a customer, including giving the customer their full attention, asking good questions, and speaking naturally so customers feel heard and understood. When executed, these best practices will help learners provide excellent service to their customers.

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Speaking with a customer over the phone requires attention to detail, patience, and empathy. To master these skills, employees will need to start with the basics. In this subject, learners will be taught how to keep their company's resources at hand, take good notes, and stay organized. We'll also cover what to do when they are on the phone with a customer, including giving the customer their full attention, asking good questions, and speaking naturally so customers feel heard and understood. When executed, these best practices will help learners provide excellent service to their customers.

Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Speaking with a customer over the phone requires attention to detail, patience, and empathy. To master these skills, employees will need to start with the basics. In this subject, learners will be taught how to keep their company's resources at hand, take good notes, and stay organized. We'll also cover what to do when they are on the phone with a customer, including giving the customer their full attention, asking good questions, and speaking naturally so customers feel heard and understood. When executed, these best practices will help learners provide excellent service to their customers.


General Call Center Best Practices

  • Helping customers over the phone requires you to master some simple best practices that will work regardless of the customer's situation or problem. In this topic, we’ll cover why you should prioritize customer service, how to use your company’s tools to access resources for common problems, and how to stay organized and take good notes.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • Translated content is typically AI-generated, and in some instances, it's been human-reviewed. Review the list below for translation details within this topic.

    • English

    • French

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = human-translated

    • Spanish

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = human-translated

    1. Make providing a great customer experience your first priority when speaking with customers. If you focus on customer service, you will be more likely to provide a good resolution to your customer’s request the first time you speak with them.

    2. Learn how to use your company’s knowledge base, such as the tools and resources that are available for dealing with common issues or questions. This will save you time and prevent you from having to think of how to solve the problem yourself every time.

    3. Make any reference materials (such as promotions or discounts) easy for you to access. This will help you stay up to date on what you can speak to customers about, and can help you save time.

    4. Be aware of your company’s current procedures, policies, and products. Knowing this information will save you time when customers have questions about these items, instead of having to look them up.

    5. Keep tools, like bookmarks or manuals, up to date and organized so they are easily referenced when needed. This will save you time, and keep you informed of any changes to your company’s operations.

    6. Take notes of important details while on the call. Try to balance being specific while staying brief. By doing this, you can easily recall this information throughout the call and keep it for your records.

    7. Don’t write down any sensitive customer information, such as addresses or phone numbers. Use company systems instead to track this information, as they are more secure.

Preview of video module for “General Call Center Best Practices”.


On the Call

  • Getting the right information from a customer so you can meet their needs is critical when you work in a call center. This topic will focus on what you should do when you are on a call with a customer so you can help them. This includes paying attention, getting the right information from the customer (and recording it), as well as setting realistic expectations about what you can do. By combining this with a natural tone and using the customer’s name, you’ll be ready to speak to customers with confidence.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • Translated content is typically AI-generated, and in some instances, it's been human-reviewed. Review the list below for translation details within this topic.

    • English

    • French

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = human-translated

    • Spanish

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = human-translated

    1. Give the customer your full attention. Avoid multi-tasking, as focusing on what the customer is saying will give you important information that will save you time in the long-term.

    2. Avoid hurrying the customer or trying to resolve their question too quickly. Trying to answer a call too quickly can result in it taking more time overall because the issue isn’t resolved in the first call. This can result in a poor customer experience.

    3. Take the time to find the correct way to answer a customer’s question or solve their problem, rather than guessing. Finding out what will work will save time overall.

    4. Know and use the correct abbreviations for your department when taking notes. This will make communication clearer and save time when documenting the call.

    5. Use keyboard shortcuts to better navigate your company’s software, and for taking notes. These shortcuts will save you time by preventing you from having to navigate menus as you help a customer.

    6. Ask the customer questions to clarify what their issue or question is. Otherwise, you might assume you know what their problem is when they may be referring to something else. You need to be clear what a customer’s question is before you can answer it for them.

    7. Outline for the customer what steps they can expect you to take to answer their question and in what amount of time. Your customer needs to know if you can’t answer their problem right away.

    8. Use your customer's name when speaking to them. This will help the call feel personal, and help you remember their name while answering their request.

    9. Use a natural, even speaking voice. If you have a script to follow, do so while still maintaining a conversational tone. This will help keep your customer engaged during the call.

    10. Empathize with the customer’s feelings, especially if they are frustrated or upset. Be careful, however, not to agree with them if they say your company’s products or services are of poor quality.

Preview of video module for “On the Call”.

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