How to Work From Home

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: As businesses become more international and technology advances, more employees are working from their homes or abroad rather than from a shared office. Whether this is a temporary measure or a permanent arrangement, it's important that employees are still able to be productive and complete their work well and on time. Working from home can be challenging, especially if employees are not used to working remotely. In this subject, learners are taught a variety of best practices for working effectively at home, from how to set up their workspace to keeping their work and personal lives separate. They are also taught strategies for communicating with their co-workers to help maintain interpersonal connections and to help prevent feelings of isolation.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: As businesses become more international and technology advances, more employees are working from their homes or abroad rather than from a shared office. Whether this is a temporary measure or a permanent arrangement, it's important that employees are still able to be productive and complete their work well and on time. Working from home can be challenging, especially if employees are not used to working remotely. In this subject, learners are taught a variety of best practices for working effectively at home, from how to set up their workspace to keeping their work and personal lives separate. They are also taught strategies for communicating with their co-workers to help maintain interpersonal connections and to help prevent feelings of isolation.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: As businesses become more international and technology advances, more employees are working from their homes or abroad rather than from a shared office. Whether this is a temporary measure or a permanent arrangement, it's important that employees are still able to be productive and complete their work well and on time. Working from home can be challenging, especially if employees are not used to working remotely. In this subject, learners are taught a variety of best practices for working effectively at home, from how to set up their workspace to keeping their work and personal lives separate. They are also taught strategies for communicating with their co-workers to help maintain interpersonal connections and to help prevent feelings of isolation.


Best Practices for Working from Home

  • While switching to working from a remote location may initially seem like an easy transition, it can be difficult for employees to achieve the same level of productivity as they do in the office. There are generally more distractions at home that can affect an employee’s ability to focus and complete their tasks. In this topic, learners are taught some best practices for working remotely to help them maintain their productivity. Some practices covered include properly setting up your workspace, scheduling work tasks, eliminating distractions, and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Pick a designated workspace in your home where you can focus but won’t feel isolated. This will help you limit distractions and help you separate your personal space from your workspace.

    2. Avoid working in front of the television, from your bed, or on the couch. These locations can be distracting and can negatively affect your productivity and work-life balance.

    3. Set up your workspace similar to how you would set it up at the office by choosing a flat, clean surface to work on, like a desk or table. This will help you create a work-like environment where you can focus on your work tasks and increase your productivity.

    4. Try to schedule tasks, even breaks, into your work calendar, to help you maintain your regular routine. This will also help you separate your work tasks from your personal time.

    5. Take regular breaks, and step away from your workspace. This will give you a mental break and help prevent you from sitting for long periods of time.

    6. Eliminate distractions within your control, so you can focus more easily on your work tasks. This includes turning off the television, staying away from the fridge, and closing the door (if possible) while on a call.

    7. Set regular work hours each day to make sure that your work time doesn’t carry over into your personal time. If you typically work eight hours, schedule eight hours of work time, and try not to work more than that unless necessary.

    8. Get dressed and ready for the day the same as you would if you were going to the office. This will help get you in the working mindset and help maintain your regular working routine so you can be productive.

Preview of video module for “Best Practices for Working from Home”.


Communicating with Co-workers

  • When working remotely, one of the largest concerns for employees is feeling isolated from their co-workers and team. It’s important that remote employees can communicate well and often with their co-workers in a meaningful way, so they stay connected and engaged. In this topic, learners are taught strategies for communicating with their co-workers while working remotely. Some strategies include scheduling tasks in a work calendar, getting dressed, answering messages within a reasonable amount of time, and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Schedule tasks, including breaks, into your work calendar, so your co-workers know when you are and aren’t available during a given period.

    2. Get dressed and ready for the day the same as you would if you were going to the office, so you’re prepared for video calls/meetings.

    3. Stay connected with your team members through instant messaging, email, or other work-approved communication tools, so both you and your co-workers/managers stay informed.Take time to have social, non-work-related conversations with your co-workers through video chat or instant messenger to help maintain social interactions and prevent feelings of isolation.

    4. When possible, use video calls rather than emails or voice calls. These help provide context, tone, and visual cues that can be lost in other forms of communication and help maintain face-to-face connections.

    5. Give regular updates about what you’re doing, especially when you have to leave your workspace, so your co-workers know if they can contact you.

    6. Answer instant messages and emails in a timely manner during work hours, similar to how you would while at the office, to maintain the workflow of your co-workers. If a co-worker is waiting for a response, they can’t complete their tasks.

    7. Don’t be afraid to over-communicate with your co-workers. Use all the tools available to you (emails, instant messaging, voice/video calls) to communicate your messages in a consistent manner, so everyone has the information they need to do their jobs well.

Preview of video module for “Communicating with Co-workers”.

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