Leadership Essentials - Managing Your Team Remotely 🌎

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: More companies are seeing employees work remotely, whether on a permanent or temporary basis. The transition can be tough for leaders, and there are many new things employees will have to consider to find out how to work effectively. Through this transition and beyond, managers play an essential role in maintaining employees' workflow and making sure that each remote employee feels heard and comfortable. In this subject, learners are taught strategies for helping teams that aren't together in an office work their best. This includes communicating expectations and knowing how to reduce feelings of isolation. A focus will be put on the outcome of projects rather than tracking the specifics of each and every employee.

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Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: More companies are seeing employees work remotely, whether on a permanent or temporary basis. The transition can be tough for leaders, and there are many new things employees will have to consider to find out how to work effectively. Through this transition and beyond, managers play an essential role in maintaining employees' workflow and making sure that each remote employee feels heard and comfortable. In this subject, learners are taught strategies for helping teams that aren't together in an office work their best. This includes communicating expectations and knowing how to reduce feelings of isolation. A focus will be put on the outcome of projects rather than tracking the specifics of each and every employee.

Languages: English, French, Spanish (North America)

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: More companies are seeing employees work remotely, whether on a permanent or temporary basis. The transition can be tough for leaders, and there are many new things employees will have to consider to find out how to work effectively. Through this transition and beyond, managers play an essential role in maintaining employees' workflow and making sure that each remote employee feels heard and comfortable. In this subject, learners are taught strategies for helping teams that aren't together in an office work their best. This includes communicating expectations and knowing how to reduce feelings of isolation. A focus will be put on the outcome of projects rather than tracking the specifics of each and every employee.


Best Practices for Managing Remotely

  • Managing employees in the office can be difficult, but what should you do when a few or even all of your employees are working remotely? In this topic, learners are taught how to connect with their teams and how to set expectations for the team. This includes learning how to organize your communication, collaborate to establish guidelines, use video chats to enhance experiences, and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • Translated content is typically AI-generated, and in some instances, it's been human-reviewed. Review the list below for translation details within this topic.

    • English

    • French

      • Questions = human-translated

      • Video = AI-translated

    • Spanish

      • Questions = AI-translated

      • Video = AI-translated

    1. Clarify your expectations and requirements for remote employees by clearly stating your reasons and how you’ll measure their success. This will help let them know what’s expected of them and reinforce your team’s goals and purpose.

    2. Set up team and project communication channels to allow for quick communication and reduce the need for a lot of meetings.

    3. Dedicate time to have non-work-related conversations with remote team members to maintain a personal connection with them and make sure they feel like part of the team.

    4. Collaborate with remote employees to establish work hours that work best for them. This means being flexible and understanding that their work hours might be different, but still holding them accountable when you need something.

    5. Schedule regular check-ins with each remote team member to see how you can support them. Make sure the employee knows when you will be available to talk to them.

    6. Organize daily check-ins with the whole team, so everyone knows what others are working on. This can be done informally like with a chat, or more formally in a meeting.

    7. Share wins and highlights of projects to celebrate the efforts and achievements of all employees regardless of location because recognition is important for morale.

    8. Use video calls as part of your communication strategy with remote employees because it allows you to see non-verbal communication, encourages professionalism, and reduces feelings of isolation.

    9. Experiment with different communication tools, and find the ones that work best for you and your team. You may need to use more than one tool depending on the task.

    10. If your team members are clearly struggling, offer encouragement and emotional support so that they can be productive and successful.

    11. Concentrate on what your team accomplishes overall, not on each individual task. There isn’t enough time for you to manage each employee’s daily tasks.

Preview of video module for “Best Practices for Managing Remotely”.

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