Introduction to Workers' Compensation

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Although workplace injuries and illnesses are rare and often preventable, it’s important that employees understand the support that’s available to them if these incidents do happen. Workers’ compensation is designed to support employees who are injured or ill as a direct result of their jobs so that they can recover completely. This subject will provide a brief overview of the purpose of workers’ compensation and the basic roles and responsibilities of employees, managers, and employers.

Note: This subject covers basic information about workers’ compensation in Canada and the United States. Its contents may not apply to other audiences. Please note that workers’ compensation policies are different based on geographical location so it’s important to be familiar with your local regulations.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Although workplace injuries and illnesses are rare and often preventable, it’s important that employees understand the support that’s available to them if these incidents do happen. Workers’ compensation is designed to support employees who are injured or ill as a direct result of their jobs so that they can recover completely. This subject will provide a brief overview of the purpose of workers’ compensation and the basic roles and responsibilities of employees, managers, and employers.

Note: This subject covers basic information about workers’ compensation in Canada and the United States. Its contents may not apply to other audiences. Please note that workers’ compensation policies are different based on geographical location so it’s important to be familiar with your local regulations.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Although workplace injuries and illnesses are rare and often preventable, it’s important that employees understand the support that’s available to them if these incidents do happen. Workers’ compensation is designed to support employees who are injured or ill as a direct result of their jobs so that they can recover completely. This subject will provide a brief overview of the purpose of workers’ compensation and the basic roles and responsibilities of employees, managers, and employers.

Note: This subject covers basic information about workers’ compensation in Canada and the United States. Its contents may not apply to other audiences. Please note that workers’ compensation policies are different based on geographical location so it’s important to be familiar with your local regulations.


Workers’ Compensation Basics

  • Workers’ compensation is designed to protect both employees and employers in the case of work-related accidents or illnesses. However, this system can be confusing and add stress to the situation if those involved are not aware of how it works. In this topic, you’ll learn what workers’ compensation is, when an employee might be entitled to receive it, and what steps need to be taken to assist the affected employee, whether it’s you or someone else.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This content is currently available in English.

    1. When employees are injured or become ill as a direct result of their work, they may qualify to receive workers’ compensation. This program offers financial and/or medical assistance to employees who experience work-related injuries or illnesses to help them recover and ideally return to work.

    2. Review your country/state/province’s laws regarding workers’ compensation as policies and procedures can differ by region.

    3. It’s the responsibility of the employer to make sure that all employees are given all of the training, equipment, and supplies they need to complete their duties safely.

    4. If an employee experiences injury or illness as a result of their work, their employer must report the incident to the company’s insurance carrier or compensation board as soon as possible.

    5. If an employee needs to take time off from work as a result of a work-related injury or illness that is covered by workers’ compensation, their employer must provide the necessary financial or medical benefits determined by the laws in their region.

    6. If an employee is injured or becomes ill as a result of their work, they must report it to their manager or employer as soon as possible.

    7. If an employee is receiving workers’ compensation, they must follow the treatment and recovery plans provided by their healthcare professional.

    8. If an employee who’s received workers’ compensation is able to return to work, their employer must assist them with their return by providing or facilitating any necessary accommodations.

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