Live Chat - Essentials

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Live chats make it quick and easy for a customer to receive personalized service in real-time. Rather than calling a helpline or sending an email, customers can simply type their message into a chat box and get an instant reply. However, responding effectively to these messages is about more than just speed. Poorly written and unsatisfactory messages can greatly impact your customers' overall satisfaction with your company and its products or services. In this subject, learners are taught a variety of best practices and skills that will help them communicate effectively over live chat with customers so they have a positive experience.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Live chats make it quick and easy for a customer to receive personalized service in real-time. Rather than calling a helpline or sending an email, customers can simply type their message into a chat box and get an instant reply. However, responding effectively to these messages is about more than just speed. Poorly written and unsatisfactory messages can greatly impact your customers' overall satisfaction with your company and its products or services. In this subject, learners are taught a variety of best practices and skills that will help them communicate effectively over live chat with customers so they have a positive experience.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Live chats make it quick and easy for a customer to receive personalized service in real-time. Rather than calling a helpline or sending an email, customers can simply type their message into a chat box and get an instant reply. However, responding effectively to these messages is about more than just speed. Poorly written and unsatisfactory messages can greatly impact your customers' overall satisfaction with your company and its products or services. In this subject, learners are taught a variety of best practices and skills that will help them communicate effectively over live chat with customers so they have a positive experience.


Live Chat Basics

  • While live chats may seem simple and straightforward, there are some general etiquette guidelines you need to follow to make sure that you’re communicating with customers effectively. In this topic, you’ll learn some basic principles for having effective live chats, so that each customer you speak with leaves the chat happy with their experience.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Actively read what your customer is saying and avoid interrupting them while they’re still writing. This will help make the customer feel heard and save you time, since you won’t have to go back and read through messages to find information you missed.

    2. Be empathetic and apologetic, especially when customers are angry or frustrated, to let them know you understand how they feel and encourage them to calm down. This way, you’ll be able to focus on finding them the best solution.

    3. Be friendly and positive in your communications with customers by using positive words and phrases and avoiding negative words and phrases, so you don’t sound patronizing. This will also give the customer a good experience.

    4. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your communication with customers. The more mistakes you make, the less professional and clear your messages will be.

    5. Avoid typing in all capital letters, as it typically indicates you’re shouting or angry and might seem rude or demanding to the customer, giving them a poor experience.

    6. Use simple vocabulary rather than abbreviations, text speak, jargon, or other technical terms that could be confusing to some customers. This helps make sure everyone understands your messages. If you do need to use technical terms, use square brackets to explain them.

    7. When appropriate, use prewritten content, or “canned” messages, like greetings, links, or large, commonly used pieces of text, to help speed up your conversations. If you use too many, though, the customer may think you’re a robot instead of a real person.

Preview of video module for “Live Chat Basics”.

Preview of PDF module for “Live Chat Basics”.


Best Practices for Live Chat Conversations

  • Live chats allow agents to answer customer questions with ease, but there are certain ways to answer and lead a live chat conversation so that customers don’t become irritated or upset. Following these rules will help you give each customer you speak with a positive experience. In this topic, you’ll learn a variety of relevant practices you can use to make sure your live chat conversations go well and are resolved in a timely manner.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Start each live chat by introducing yourself to the customer. This helps personalize the interaction and allows you to make a good first impression.

    2. Keep the conversation focused on the customer’s issue, rather than on unnecessary small talk or discussions. This will help you resolve the customer’s issue more quickly. If a customer does lose focus, politely help them to refocus on the issue with phrases like “going back to”, “moving forward”, or “as I was saying”.

    3. Respond to customers as soon as possible, especially at the start of the interaction, so they are not left waiting for a response. This will help prevent them from getting irritated or upset and increase their satisfaction.

    4. If you need a customer to wait while you look something up or speak to a manager, be honest and let them know. This way, you have time to find the correct information, and the customer isn’t left wondering if you’ve ended the conversation.

    5. Keep any promises you make to the customer, even when lying to or deceiving them will help you resolve the conversation quicker. This will show the customer that you respect them and value their business and will help you avoid making them upset or disappointed.

    6. If you know that you’re unable to help the customer, tell them right away. This way, you can use the rest of the conversation to offer an alternative solution to them, which helps leave them with a positive experience and impression of the interaction.

    7. End your conversations with a specific, positive note to personalize your closing statement and help increase customers’ satisfaction with your service.

    8. Ask customers for feedback on their experience at the end of a live chat session or in a post-chat survey. This will show you areas you and your team can improve in and help make future conversations better.

Preview of video module for “Best Practices for Live Chat Conversations”.

Live Chat - Communication Skills
Sale Price:US$0.00 Original Price:US$0.00
Live Chat - General Chat Structure
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Live Chat - Typing Skills
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Live Chat - Handling Multiple Chats
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