Live Chat - Handling Multiple Chats

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: When agents have to speak to customers over the phone, multitasking is often discouraged so that their full attention can be given to the customer. However, customers who use live chat expect immediate answers, so agents often have to manage/switch between several conversations at once. In this subject, learners are taught when they should work on multiple chats at the same time, how to prepare for multiple chats and keyboard shortcuts they can use to manage many chats simultaneously.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: When agents have to speak to customers over the phone, multitasking is often discouraged so that their full attention can be given to the customer. However, customers who use live chat expect immediate answers, so agents often have to manage/switch between several conversations at once. In this subject, learners are taught when they should work on multiple chats at the same time, how to prepare for multiple chats and keyboard shortcuts they can use to manage many chats simultaneously.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: When agents have to speak to customers over the phone, multitasking is often discouraged so that their full attention can be given to the customer. However, customers who use live chat expect immediate answers, so agents often have to manage/switch between several conversations at once. In this subject, learners are taught when they should work on multiple chats at the same time, how to prepare for multiple chats and keyboard shortcuts they can use to manage many chats simultaneously.


How to Manage Multiple Chats Effectively

  • To make sure live chat customers receive quick and accurate responses, you sometimes need to manage multiple live chat conversations at once. If you know how to effectively multitask you can answer more questions and help more customers in the same amount of time. In this topic, you’ll learn what it means to multitask effectively, when not to multitask, and how to use keyboard shortcuts to save time.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Effective multitasking means switching your attention between multiple chats, not concentrating on many tasks or chats at one time.

    2. When you receive a live chat message, identify whether it’s a simple chat (can be answered immediately) or a complex chat (deals with a more complicated issue) to help you estimate how much time/effort it will take to resolve.

    3. Don’t try to handle other chats, simple or complex, when dealing with a complex chat issue because it will decrease the quality of your chats.

    4. Limit the number of simple live chats you answer at once to three or less. This will help you keep your focus and answer customer questions effectively.

    5. Complete your current task before switching to a new one, so that you don’t stop in the middle of your action and forget what you were doing when you return.Review each message and confirm you’re sending it to the correct customer when you’re handling more than one live chat at once.

    6. Create or use your company’s knowledge base document that has Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), “canned” responses, and commonly used resources in it, so you can copy and paste the information quickly into live chats.

    7. Use the keyboard shortcut to switch between apps to help manage your desktop and documents efficiently so you can answer live chats quickly.

    8. Use keyboard shortcuts to help copy and paste information quickly into live chats to help customers more quickly in multiple chats.

    9. Recognize when a complex chat can’t be solved over live chat because it will take extra time. Follow your company’s procedure to make sure the customer’s issue gets resolved so you don’t spend too much time on issues you can’t properly solve. ­­

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