Live Chat - General Chat Structure

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Languages: English

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Description: Live chat is an effective way for customers to get their questions answered quickly and efficiently. With so many customers relying on live chat daily, it's important that agents are able to answer questions and solve problems in an efficient manner. In this subject, learners are taught the structure they should use in a live chat to help keep customers satisfied. This includes knowing how to start the chat, how to communicate when you don't know the answer, and how to say goodbye without leaving abruptly.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Live chat is an effective way for customers to get their questions answered quickly and efficiently. With so many customers relying on live chat daily, it's important that agents are able to answer questions and solve problems in an efficient manner. In this subject, learners are taught the structure they should use in a live chat to help keep customers satisfied. This includes knowing how to start the chat, how to communicate when you don't know the answer, and how to say goodbye without leaving abruptly.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: Live chat is an effective way for customers to get their questions answered quickly and efficiently. With so many customers relying on live chat daily, it's important that agents are able to answer questions and solve problems in an efficient manner. In this subject, learners are taught the structure they should use in a live chat to help keep customers satisfied. This includes knowing how to start the chat, how to communicate when you don't know the answer, and how to say goodbye without leaving abruptly.


Chat Structure Fundamentals

  • When communicating with a customer over live chat, it’s important that you talk to them in a way that makes them feel listened to and enables you to find a solution that works the best for them. In this topic, you’ll learn about how to start a live chat, when to ask questions during the chat, how to relate to the customer, and how to end the live chat positively, so that the customer will use your service again.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

    • Video module

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Accept the chat quickly and greet the customer in a professional and friendly manner to help them feel welcomed and show them you’re ready to help.

    2. Ask questions to make sure you understand the customer’s problem rather than assuming you know what it is, so you don’t get it wrong. Reference the chat’s subject line for important information, if applicable.

    3. Mirror the customer’s way of talking to help build rapport and help the conversation feel more natural. However, make sure that you follow your company’s guidelines.

    4. Avoid being too formal and using jargon in your live chat messages because it can make you sound robotic. Instead, use simple and precise language so that the customer can understand what you’re saying.

    5. Use empathetic phrases to show customers you’re listening to them and that you’re committed to helping them fix their problem.

    6. Tell the customer how long it will take to fix their problem when you don’t know the best solution and will have to do some research. Being transparent will help you earn their trust.

    7. Explain the solution to the customer in detail, so that they can learn how you solved it and won’t have to repeat this process in the future.

    8. If you can’t find a perfect solution for the customer, explain why, and explain some steps they could take instead to help reduce their frustration.

    9. Ask for help from a manager or colleague when you don’t know an answer to a customer’s live chat questions. This will allow you to learn from their experience and prevent you from telling the customer the wrong information.

    10. Don’t end the chat session as soon as you’ve provided a solution for the customer’s issue because the customer may have more questions.

    11. When ending a live chat, ask the customer how satisfied they are with your solution and thank them for using your company’s live chat service to make sure they’re happy with their experience.

Preview of video module for “Chat Structure Fundamentals”.

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