Body Shapes

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Languages: English

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Description: As a retail associate, knowing how to quickly and correctly identify a customer's body shape is key to finding them the right clothing pieces that work for them. In this subject, we'll cover the seven major body shapes and how to quickly assess the likely shape a customer is closest to. Then, we'll pair that knowledge with general suggestions that work for any gender, so you can help them find the clothes that are best for them.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: As a retail associate, knowing how to quickly and correctly identify a customer's body shape is key to finding them the right clothing pieces that work for them. In this subject, we'll cover the seven major body shapes and how to quickly assess the likely shape a customer is closest to. Then, we'll pair that knowledge with general suggestions that work for any gender, so you can help them find the clothes that are best for them.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: As a retail associate, knowing how to quickly and correctly identify a customer's body shape is key to finding them the right clothing pieces that work for them. In this subject, we'll cover the seven major body shapes and how to quickly assess the likely shape a customer is closest to. Then, we'll pair that knowledge with general suggestions that work for any gender, so you can help them find the clothes that are best for them.


How to Identify a Customer's Body Shape

  • To best help customers find clothing that fits well and is comfortable, you’ll need to be able to identify a customer’s body shape. In this topic, you’ll learn what the seven most common body shapes are. We’ll also match those shapes with the common dimensions you need to assess – the width of the shoulders, chest, waist, and hips. By combining this information, you’ll be able to quickly identify what shape a customer is, so you can recommend the right clothing for them.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. The rectangle shape is when the width of the waist is the same as the hips, chest, and shoulders.

    2. The triangle shape is when the shoulders and chest are narrower than your hips. The person will likely have a slim, fairly defined waist. This is sometimes called the "pear" shape.

    3. The oval shape is when the person’s hips and shoulders are narrow, but they have a larger chest and midsection.

    4. The hourglass shape is when the shoulders and hips are roughly equal, and the person has a narrow waist. This person will also typically have legs that roughly equal in length to their upper body.

    5. The inverted triangle shape has wide shoulders and chest, offset by a narrow waist and fairly narrow hips.

    6. If the person has narrow shoulders, chest, and hips, but a wider waist, they have the diamond shape. The difference between this shape and the oval shape is in the smaller chest.

    7. People who have a broader chest and shoulders with equal hips, but a smaller, less-defined waist are a trapezoid shape. This shape is often confused with the rectangle, but the trapezoid has more of a clear waist, which the rectangle doesn’t have.

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What Clothes to Suggest to a Customer for their Body Shape

  • Once you know a customer’s body shape, your next goal should be to match that shape with the clothes that work best for it. In this topic, we’ll pair each shape with styling suggestions that enhance and balance a customer’s shape. This way, you can recommend items that will work for them, and make them the most comfortable.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. For customers with a rectangle shape, suggest items that can highlight their waistlines. They can wear different prints and patterns but should avoid vertical stripes.

    2. Suggest items that balance out the shoulders (such as scoop-necked shirts, crewneck collars, or dark-colored tops) for customers who are triangle shaped. Also, look to highlight and define the waist more.

    3. For customers who have an oval body shape, avoid figure-hugging or tight-fitting items. Instead, suggest items that are darker colors, widen the shoulders, and have vertical details.

    4. Customers who have an hourglass shape will want to avoid loose items. Focus on fitted pieces instead.

    5. For inverted triangle shaped customers, suggest fitted tops with clean details. Balance out their top-heavy shape with items that widen as they hit the waist.

    6. A customer who has a diamond body shape will look best in items that create a more defined waist and highlight the shoulders, such as boat or u-neck tops. Suggest they wear pants that are slim and straight to help create length in the lower half of their body

    7. Trapezoid shaped customers can be relatively flexible in their style but should look to wear clothes that are fitted to their shoulders. Pants should fit well but avoid overly tight fits or the legs will seem longer than the upper body, creating imbalance.

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