Fabric Knowledge and Care - Laundry Symbols

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Languages: English

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Description: To the average person, the laundry symbols on clothing labels can seem like a different and complicated language that only a small group of people understand. However, they're extremely useful for making sure the item maintains its quality over time. These symbols provide detailed instructions about how to wash, dry, iron, or bleach a variety of clothing items made from a variety of fabrics. If your employees understand and are able to interpret these symbols, they can better advise customers about the best ways to take care of their purchases, so that they aren't damaged or wear out prematurely. In this subject, learners are taught the most common laundry symbols associated with washing, drying, ironing, and bleaching clothes. This will help them speak confidently with customers about how to care for their purchases and help increase the likelihood that the customer will leave a positive review of both the store and its inventory.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: To the average person, the laundry symbols on clothing labels can seem like a different and complicated language that only a small group of people understand. However, they're extremely useful for making sure the item maintains its quality over time. These symbols provide detailed instructions about how to wash, dry, iron, or bleach a variety of clothing items made from a variety of fabrics. If your employees understand and are able to interpret these symbols, they can better advise customers about the best ways to take care of their purchases, so that they aren't damaged or wear out prematurely. In this subject, learners are taught the most common laundry symbols associated with washing, drying, ironing, and bleaching clothes. This will help them speak confidently with customers about how to care for their purchases and help increase the likelihood that the customer will leave a positive review of both the store and its inventory.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: To the average person, the laundry symbols on clothing labels can seem like a different and complicated language that only a small group of people understand. However, they're extremely useful for making sure the item maintains its quality over time. These symbols provide detailed instructions about how to wash, dry, iron, or bleach a variety of clothing items made from a variety of fabrics. If your employees understand and are able to interpret these symbols, they can better advise customers about the best ways to take care of their purchases, so that they aren't damaged or wear out prematurely. In this subject, learners are taught the most common laundry symbols associated with washing, drying, ironing, and bleaching clothes. This will help them speak confidently with customers about how to care for their purchases and help increase the likelihood that the customer will leave a positive review of both the store and its inventory.


Washing Symbols

  • To make sure clothes maintain their quality, it’s important that they are washed properly. Different fabrics require different washing methods and water temperatures so that they don’t get damaged. But how do you know what to use for each item? Every piece of clothing has an inner label that describes the best way to wash it and help keep it looking new. In this topic, you’ll learn what a variety of washing symbols mean, so you can properly advise customers about how to take care of their new items.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. If an item’s label has a tub of water, wash it in a washing machine using the machine’s normal cycle.

    2. If an item’s label has a tub of water with a hand in it, hand wash the item.

    3. If an item’s label has a tub of water with an ‘X’ over it, do not wash it in a washing machine.

    4. If an item’s label has a tub of water with one dot in it, wash the item with cold water (maximum temperature of 85°F or 30°C).

    5. If an item’s label has a tub of water with two dots in it, wash the item with warm water (between 85°F/30°C and 50°C/120°F).

    6. If an item’s label has a tub of water with three dots in it, wash the item with hot water (at least 120°F or 50°C).

    7. If an item’s label has a tub of water with a number in it, the number indicates the maximum water temperature you can use to wash it.

    8. If an item’s label has a tub of water with a line underneath it, wash the item in a washing machine using its permanent press cycle.

    9. If an item’s label has a tub of water with two lines underneath it, wash the item in a washing machine using the delicate or gentle cycle.

    10. If an item’s label has a circle with an ‘X’ over it, do not dry clean the item.

    11. If an item’s label has a circle on it, do not put it in the washing machine: only dry clean it. Dry cleaning is done by a professional and uses no water and some type of toxic chemical liquid solution to remove certain types of stains that can’t be removed with water.

    12. If an item’s label has a circle with a letter in it, it should be dry cleaned. The letter indicates what chemicals a dry cleaning professional will use to clean the item.

    13. If an item’s label has a circle with a ‘W’ in it, the item should be wet cleaned. Done by a professional, it’s gentler than hand washing and involves using a small amount of water and non-toxic chemicals to clean an item.

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Drying Symbols

  • There are many ways to dry clothes, and while it may seem tedious, how you choose to dry a garment is extremely important. If you use the wrong method or drying temperature, you could shrink, stretch, or damage the clothes. To make sure clothes dry properly, you need to read the inner label. This label includes symbols that describe exactly how you should or shouldn’t dry the garment to keep it looking like new. In this topic, you’ll learn how to identify and interpret a variety of laundry drying symbols, so you can properly tell customers how to care for their new clothes.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. If the item’s label has a square with a circle in it, the item can be tumble dried using the normal cycle.

    2. If the item’s label has a square with a circle in it and an ‘X’ over it, the item cannot be tumble dried.

    3. If an item’s label has a square, dry it naturally (i.e. do not tumble dry).

    4. If an item’s label has a square with a half circle at the top, hang the item to dry. Do not put it in the dryer. This means you hang the clothes on a hanger or drying rack to dry, particularly if they need to hold their shape. Before hanging it, try to shape or smooth it out with your hand.

    5. If an item’s label has a square with a horizontal line in the middle, lay it flat to dry.

    6. If an item’s label has a twisted symbol with an ‘X’ over it, do not wring the item to remove water.

    7. If an item’s label has a square with a circle in it and one dot, tumble dry it on low heat.

    8. If an item’s label has a square with a circle in it and two dots, tumble dry it on medium heat.

    9. If an item’s label has a square with a circle in it and three dots, tumble dry it on high heat.

    10. If an item’s label has a square with a solid circle in it, tumble dry it with air only or without heat.

    11. If an item’s label has a square with a circle in it and one line underneath it, tumble dry it using the permanent press cycle.

    12. If an item’s label has a square with a circle in it and two lines underneath it, tumble dry it using the delicate or gentle cycle.

    13. If an item’s label has a square with two angled lines in the top left corner, dry it in the shade.

    14. If an item’s label has a square with three vertical lines in it, let it drip dry. This means you hang the clothes while they are still dripping wet, usually in the shower or outside, without having to shape it.

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Preview of PDF module for “Drying Symbols”.


Specialty Symbols

  • Everyone wants their clothes to last and look presentable. But how do you know what products and methods you can use on your clothes without damaging them? The inner label on every clothing item tells you what to do. In this topic, you’ll learn how to identify and interpret a variety of laundry symbols that indicate when to use and when not to use bleach, as well as what kind. We will also cover when to and when not to iron or steam an item, so you can share this insight with your customers. This will help them maintain the quality of the items they purchase and help increase their satisfaction with your store and its merchandise.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

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    • PDF module (This module was created in a tool that is not supported by our Content Studio offering.)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. If an item’s label has a triangle on it, it is safe to use bleach on it.

    2. If an item’s label has a triangle with an ‘X’ over it, do not use bleach on the item.

    3. If an item’s label has a triangle with two angled lines inside of it, use a non-chlorine bleach on it if necessary.

    4. If an item’s label has an image of an iron, iron the item at any temperature, with or without steam.

    5. If an item’s label has an image of an iron with one dot in it, iron the item on low heat (230°F or 110°C).

    6. If an item’s label has an image of an iron with two dots in it, iron the item on medium heat (300°F or 150°C).

    7. If an item’s label has an image of an iron with three dots in it, iron the item on high heat (390°F or 200°C).

    8. If an item’s label has an image of an iron with an ‘X’ at the bottom, do not iron the item.

    9. If an item’s label has an image of an iron with lines coming from the bottom, steam can be added to the iron without damaging the item.

    10. If an item’s label has an image of an iron with lines coming from the bottom and an ‘X’ over it, do not use steam on the item.

Preview of video module for “Specialty Symbols”.

Preview of PDF module for “Specialty Symbols”.

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