Clothing Steamers

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Languages: English

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Description: A clothing steamer is a fast and effective alternative to a clothing iron because it is more portable and easier to use. To use one correctly, employees will need to know how to set it up, use, and care for it. In this subject, we introduce how a clothing steamer works, what fabrics are safe to steam, and how to use the steamer. We'll also cover some basic maintenance routines, so the steamer is always ready to use by anyone in your store. This way, your team will be ready to use your store's steamer to help your merchandise look fantastic.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: A clothing steamer is a fast and effective alternative to a clothing iron because it is more portable and easier to use. To use one correctly, employees will need to know how to set it up, use, and care for it. In this subject, we introduce how a clothing steamer works, what fabrics are safe to steam, and how to use the steamer. We'll also cover some basic maintenance routines, so the steamer is always ready to use by anyone in your store. This way, your team will be ready to use your store's steamer to help your merchandise look fantastic.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: A clothing steamer is a fast and effective alternative to a clothing iron because it is more portable and easier to use. To use one correctly, employees will need to know how to set it up, use, and care for it. In this subject, we introduce how a clothing steamer works, what fabrics are safe to steam, and how to use the steamer. We'll also cover some basic maintenance routines, so the steamer is always ready to use by anyone in your store. This way, your team will be ready to use your store's steamer to help your merchandise look fantastic.


When and Why You Should Use a Clothing Steamer

  • A clothing steamer is a handy alternative to an iron that is faster and easier to use. In this topic, we’ll cover why you should use a steamer to de-wrinkle clothes and which fabrics are safe and not safe to steam.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Steamers are an easier and faster way to de-wrinkle common fabrics than ironing. This is because they heat up quickly and don’t require setting up an ironing board.

    2. Check that an item is made of cotton, silks, wools, and polyesters before steaming, as these are the best fabrics to use steam on for de-wrinkling.

    3. Do not use a steamer on clothing that won’t react well to heat or water, such as waxed jackets, suede, or plastics. The heat and water from the steamer could damage these fabrics or cause them to melt.

    4. Check the fabric care label to make sure it doesn’t have a “do not steam” symbol before steaming, to make sure it’s safe to do so.

    5. If you aren’t sure an item will steam well, check with your manager and then test the steamer on a small corner of the fabric.

    6. Steamers work best for de-wrinkling clothing but can’t easily create strong pleats or creases. Use an iron in these situations instead.

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How to Use a Clothing Steamer

  • Clothing steamers are relatively simple, but they do require practice and care to be used safely and correctly. In this topic, you’ll learn how to fill a steamer with the correct water, hold the steamer properly, and how to handle and hang clothing as you steam it.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Fill the steamer to the ‘max fill line’ with cold, distilled water. Don’t over or underfill the steamer, as this will cause it to not work correctly and could damage the machine.

    2. Use distilled water to help reduce the need for cleaning and maintenance of the steamer.

    3. Let the steamer fully warm up before you use it. You will know it’s warm when steam comes out at a steady rate. It should only take 2-3 minutes. If the water hasn’t heated into a steady rate of steam, it won’t work effectively to remove the wrinkles.

    4. Hold the steamer wand or nozzle at an angle to the fabric, with only the top edge touching the item. This will allow the steam to contact the fabric while still escaping out the bottom, so it doesn’t collect and soak into the fabric.

    5. Hold the steamer 1-2 inches away from the fabric if the item has pleats or ruffles. This will help the item keep its shape, while still removing wrinkles.

    6. Run the steamer wand or nozzle downward in short strokes. This will gently release the wrinkles without having the steam stay in one place for too long.

    7. Hang the item of clothing on a hanger while you steam it. This will make it easier to steam the item and use both of your hands.

    8. While you steam, pull the item taut with the hand you aren’t using to hold the steamer. This will help the steam release the wrinkles in the fabric.

    9. Steam from the inside of the item if it has a decal or design on top of the fabric. This will help remove wrinkles without overheating the graphic.

    10. Let the clothing item hang for 5-10 minutes after you are done steaming it, so it can fully dry.

    11. Keep the steamer wand away from your hand and body as you work. This will prevent you from burning your hands, as the steam will be hot.

    12. If your steamer has a hose, keep the hose straight and not wrapped around the stand. The steamer will work poorly if the hose gets kinked or tangled.

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How to Care for and Clean a Clothing Steamer

  • Clothing steamers require care to keep them running effectively. In this topic, we’ll explain why using distilled water is so important, how to use a vinegar solution to remove mineral build up in a steamer, and how to prevent damage to a steamer when storing and using it.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Use distilled water in your steamer to help reduce mineral build-up. Mineral build-up will reduce the rate of steam produced by your machine.

    2. Use a solution of one-part vinegar to two-parts water to clean your steamer. This will help remove mineral build-up in the machine.

    3. Once you have poured the vinegar-water solution into the machine, run the steamer into the air until a regular flow of steam is coming out of the head or nozzle. Unplug the machine and let it cool before emptying.

    4. After you have run a vinegar solution through a steamer, fill the tank with cold water and run the steamer until it’s half-empty to remove any vinegar still in the system.

    5. Empty the water tank when you are done using your steamer and let it dry before putting it away. This will reduce the chances of mildew or other pathogens from growing in the water tank or other systems.

    6. Never run the steamer without water in the tank, as this will damage the machine from overheating.

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