Suggestive Selling - Restaurant


Languages: English

Media Editing: This subject does not contain any editable media.

Description: For restaurants in the digital age, the customer experience is becoming as important, if not more important, than food quality. Review websites like TripAdvisor or Yelp make it easier for customers to praise or critique restaurants. These reviews can seriously affect a restaurant's profitability, especially when people are already hesitant to spend money going out to a restaurant. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, upselling and cross-selling are strategies that can help increase both customer satisfaction and profits. When you upsell or cross-sell effectively, the customer experience increases, each suggestion enhancing the customer's enjoyment of your restaurant. When customers receive a great experience, they won't mind paying extra for personalized service. This subject teaches learners the best practices and techniques to use to successfully upsell/cross-sell in a restaurant and increase revenue.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: This subject does not contain any editable media.

Description: For restaurants in the digital age, the customer experience is becoming as important, if not more important, than food quality. Review websites like TripAdvisor or Yelp make it easier for customers to praise or critique restaurants. These reviews can seriously affect a restaurant's profitability, especially when people are already hesitant to spend money going out to a restaurant. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, upselling and cross-selling are strategies that can help increase both customer satisfaction and profits. When you upsell or cross-sell effectively, the customer experience increases, each suggestion enhancing the customer's enjoyment of your restaurant. When customers receive a great experience, they won't mind paying extra for personalized service. This subject teaches learners the best practices and techniques to use to successfully upsell/cross-sell in a restaurant and increase revenue.

Languages: English

Media Editing: This subject does not contain any editable media.

Description: For restaurants in the digital age, the customer experience is becoming as important, if not more important, than food quality. Review websites like TripAdvisor or Yelp make it easier for customers to praise or critique restaurants. These reviews can seriously affect a restaurant's profitability, especially when people are already hesitant to spend money going out to a restaurant. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, upselling and cross-selling are strategies that can help increase both customer satisfaction and profits. When you upsell or cross-sell effectively, the customer experience increases, each suggestion enhancing the customer's enjoyment of your restaurant. When customers receive a great experience, they won't mind paying extra for personalized service. This subject teaches learners the best practices and techniques to use to successfully upsell/cross-sell in a restaurant and increase revenue.


Upselling and Cross-Selling Best Practices

  • Learners are taught general upselling and cross-selling, the difference between the two, and best practices to use to encourage customers to spend more money on their meal, including: knowing the menu, how often to upsell, who to upsell to, and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Upselling is trying to persuade a customer to purchase a more expensive menu item or additional items (‘add-ons’), to increase the total sale.

    2. Cross-selling is trying to persuade a customer to purchase additional, complementary menu items after they’ve decided on a specific menu item.

    3. Become an expert on your restaurant’s menu, learning specific details about each item (i.e. ingredients, price, preparation, etc.) so you can confidently and credibly suggest/upsell dishes to match a customer’s needs.

    4. Build a rapport with your customers by asking leading questions. This will allow you to personalize your suggestions based on their answers/needs.

    5. Don’t try to upsell and/or cross-sell during or after each course as this could irritate the customer.

    6. Frame upsell and cross-sell suggestions as items that will add value to the meal and help make the customer’s experience better. This will help the customer view your recommendation in a positive light, and not as a tactic to make them spend more money.

    7. Show enthusiasm and excitement in your voice and posture when you suggest items. Tell customers why you like it, to inspire the same excitement in them. If you seem bored, or like you don’t enjoy the food, your customers will be less likely to accept your suggestions.

    8. Use customer preference (if known), body language, and cues to understand a customer’s needs and determine when/if they will be receptive to suggestions. For example, a couple on a date might be more willing to accept help than a group of executives eating lunch.

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Upselling and Cross-Selling Techniques

  • In this topic, learners are taught a variety of techniques to use when upselling or cross-selling items in a restaurant. This includes when to make suggestions, how to make specific suggestions, using testimonials, ordering take-out, and more.

    • Questions (level 1, 2, 3)

  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. Try to upsell or cross-sell as soon as you arrive at the table, suggesting the drinks, specials, and/or dishes with the best profit margins to influence a customer to order something they wouldn’t have considered on their own.

    2. Offer suggestions to customers who seem unsure about what to order, but make sure they are timed properly. If you make it easy to decide what they want, they are more likely to agree with your suggestion.

    3. Make specific suggestions, and describe menu items in detail. The more enticing you can make a menu item, the more likely the customer will order it.

    4. Suggest customers split dishes from courses they would normally overlook, such as appetizers or dessert. This will help make customers more likely to order these courses, as splitting them with someone seems more reasonable.

    5. Use praise or testimonials from previous customers to show current customers the value in your suggestion. Hearing that other customers similar to them enjoyed the item will help encourage them to try it themselves.

    6. Try to upsell or cross-sell extras that could enhance a customer’s order, such as added protein, a dipping sauce, or a beverage. The customer may not have been aware of these options.

    7. Offer take-out as an option for courses customers actually want but are hesitant to order, such as dessert. This allows the customer to order what they already want without feeling bad and gives you the chance to increase the total of the bill.

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