How to Properly Fit a Dress Shirt

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Languages: English

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Description: A dress shirt that fits properly will not only give customers confidence but it will also be more comfortable. To help a customer find a dress shirt that fits them well, your sales associates will need to know how the different parts of a dress shirt should fit, like the collar, shoulders, sleeves, cuffs, and body. In this subject, we'll not only cover how to tell if these different elements of the shirt fit a customer well, but we'll also provide some useful tips for how to check to see if they fit correctly. This way, your customers will get expert advice on how a dress shirt should fit them, and your employees will feel confident in giving this advice. Please note this subject refers to what are typically men's dress shirts' but uses gender-inclusive language so it can be applied to a diverse set of customers.

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Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: A dress shirt that fits properly will not only give customers confidence but it will also be more comfortable. To help a customer find a dress shirt that fits them well, your sales associates will need to know how the different parts of a dress shirt should fit, like the collar, shoulders, sleeves, cuffs, and body. In this subject, we'll not only cover how to tell if these different elements of the shirt fit a customer well, but we'll also provide some useful tips for how to check to see if they fit correctly. This way, your customers will get expert advice on how a dress shirt should fit them, and your employees will feel confident in giving this advice. Please note this subject refers to what are typically men's dress shirts' but uses gender-inclusive language so it can be applied to a diverse set of customers.

Languages: English

Media Editing: The video module(s) in this subject are editable under our Content Studio offering unless otherwise indicated. For more information about Content Studio, contact your CSM.

Description: A dress shirt that fits properly will not only give customers confidence but it will also be more comfortable. To help a customer find a dress shirt that fits them well, your sales associates will need to know how the different parts of a dress shirt should fit, like the collar, shoulders, sleeves, cuffs, and body. In this subject, we'll not only cover how to tell if these different elements of the shirt fit a customer well, but we'll also provide some useful tips for how to check to see if they fit correctly. This way, your customers will get expert advice on how a dress shirt should fit them, and your employees will feel confident in giving this advice. Please note this subject refers to what are typically men's dress shirts' but uses gender-inclusive language so it can be applied to a diverse set of customers.


Helping Customers Find the Right Fitting Dress Shirt

  • Helping a customer find a dress shirt that fits them well is about more than just selecting the right size. There are specific details in the shoulders, sleeves, cuffs, and body that you’ll need to help the customer to look for to ensure that it’s the right fit. In this topic, we’ll cover how to know if a dress shirt fits a customer correctly and comfortably, as well as techniques to use in assessing proper fit.

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  • This topic is currently available in English.

    1. The shoulder seam of the dress shirt should line up with where the customer’s shoulder starts to curve. If the seam lands before this curve, the shirt will be too tight. If it falls well below this curve, it will be too loose.

    2. The dress shirt’s armholes should allow for a good range of motion. The armholes should be large enough that they don’t cut into the skin or too large that the shirt has enough additional fabric to be notably baggy.

    3. The sleeves on a dress shirt should be loose, but not baggy or bunch up at the wrist. If you can see the outline of the customer’s arms, the shirt is too tight.

    4. The cuff of the dress shirt’s sleeve should fit snuggly but not tightly around the wrist. It should be long enough to cover the whole of the wrist bone, but not touch the heel of the hand.

    5. The sides of the shirt should follow the sides of the customer’s torso. There shouldn’t be a significant amount of additional fabric on the sides.

    6. The customer can test to see if the sides of the dress shirt fit by pinching the fabric along the body of the shirt. If they can pinch more than 2-3 inches (3-4 centimeters) of fabric, the shirt is likely too large.

    7. The buttons in the middle of the dress shirt’s body should lay flat and be evenly spread out. If they pull apart when the customer moves their arms, the shirt is too tight.

    8. The customer should be able to fit one or two fingers into the dress shirt’s collar when it is fully buttoned up. If the collar hangs loosely or they can fit more than two fingers, the shirt is likely too large.

    9. Dress shirts should be long enough to tuck into a pair of pants easily and stay tucked in. When tucked in, the shirt shouldn’t billow or hang out over the waist of the pants.

    10. To help a customer check to see if a dress shirt is too small, have them tuck the shirt into a pair of pants and raise their arms. If the shirt becomes partially or fully untucked, the shirt is too small.

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